
“Fuck you money” means that you have been paid enough to be able to quit and live a good life and not have to work ever again.

It’s like the time he was asked about the nuclear triad and didn’t know what the heck it was. He really doesn’t know or understand what the president’s job truly entails. There are even reports going around that he is already completely overwhelmed although I can’t confirm the veracity of that.

Oompa Loompas!

Also add to the list that video evidence suggests that he has difficulty reading. A few large words draw his attention but an actual page seems to confuse him.

The only metric where cars really need to improve is fuel efficiency.

So Melania was a porn star?

I’ve been voicing my thoughts on why people continue to support Uber for months due to very shady practices. This is just another example of that shadiness.

What are the odds of being in an accident compared to somewhere with enforced driving laws?

So basically a bunch of wealthy assholes who don’t give one shit about common folk unless it’s to squeeze more money out of us.

Too much to even bother reading past the 2nd paragraph.

Right. That’s nearly double what Netflix charges and they will give me 200+ hours a month if I can consume that.

Witcher 3, Fallout 4, Skyrim. No fast travel and survival mods......~$100,000.

American companies should all collectively tell Trump that they will start the process of making their things in the US when Trump makes all his self branded CRAP in the US. Never going to happen though cause he considers even cheap Chinese labor to be TOO EXPENSIVE.

In the defence of my fellow men I must say that we truly love and enjoy touching women’s assess. However, doing it without permission is reprehensible and disrespectful. I for one am not against a women kicking a guys nuts if he has earned such punishment.

When does FF XVI come out?

It’s even more genius because they won’t damage the road. Remember that video a couple weeks back with all those cars sliding down the slope? Apparently they can’t use chains where that happened. These things could have probably helped quite a bit.

Just give the harrier a salon makeover and call it a day.

Agree with you there. Here in California there’s the “slow for the cone zone” thing. Based on this video, I don’t think the guys working would have been found at fault. Pretty much everybody else would probably be found at fault for reckless driving.

I believe you’re right. Probably training mission to get the asshole safely out of the city.

I can’t claim to be thoroughly informed on this case but my understanding is that she endangered other individuals. If she did endangered others, she willingly could have caused them to suffer cruel punishment.