
And this is the problem: women, however they dress, have to make “statements,” but men can dress conservatively and that is supposedly not a statement at all.

Yes: when brought to his attention, he cut the accused breaks, covered up, reassigned women, paid women off under NDAs. You know, action!

“The Key to Time” produced some of the best stories of the show’s entire run. They just had no idea where the arc was going, and didn’t think about how they were going to run out of money and be forced to go cheap on the concluding story.

We know already.

“In development” for a potential series is not the same as picked up with a 13 (or 22) episode order.

Interesting how when women get drunk and are raped, it’s their fault for getting drunk.

No, the lesson is apologize in fucking person. Leaves no record, and isn’t cowardly either.

Seems pretty clear to me, if a little elliptical (by design, to avoid a libel suit, I would wager). Cuomo helped his brother defend his own, far worse, harassment. Cuomo has a platform and a staff on his show. Cuomo harassed her, and while he apologized afterward, she’s unsure if that’s because he knew what he did TO

Serious question: If you’re so exasperated with the AV Club Newswire stories, why read them at all, much less post comments on them? After all, posting invites responses, which increases activity, which gets more clicks, so if you’re exasperated by click-baity stories that contribute nothing, why would you behave in a

Well, maybe. Local radio news-break here in the Deep South reports that researchers predict the end of the pandemic soon... in March.

Clearly part of the reason to cast Azaria as a white American pretending to be a British guy pretending to be Indian is because Azaria was voicing Apu. The movie is already salty about that, well before it became a popular criticism of the Simpsons.

How do you propose that they do that? Huge bribes? Because if they use threats or coercion, Manchin and Sinema could respond by becoming independents and caucus with the Republicans, making Democrats the minority in the Senate. And then Democrats can’t pass any legislation at all.

Hey, the guy in charge of vetting candidates for Sony, Mike Richards, said he was extremely thorough!

Do you think you are making a positive case for him getting the job here? If you’re doing what I think, which is claiming that AVClub was unfairly negative about his hosting skills, I have to say, try to read the conversation. It’s like you’re posting on an article about Bill Cosby being released from jail that is

Did Pat Sajak abuse his authority as an executive on the show in order to get his job? Has he abused his authority on his show to harass employees or behave unprofessionally?

Maybe it wasn’t to her face: we can’t see where he’s looking based on audio.

Well, let’s think about the Sony executive team:

I don’t care who hosts Jeopardy. I haven’t watched in years. I don’t care if some middle-aged white man used the word “boobies” a lot.

It does feel a bit like you’re insisting that Ellis respond in the way you think she should instead of responding emotionally to the emotional things happening to her, while making a whole bunch of assumptions about her “success” which may or may not be grounded in actual evidence. There’s nothing inherently wrong

And how many death and rape threats did Linkara receive along with that critique?