
Can’t wait for the announcement that the new permanent host will be Mike Richards.

Bush sent troops in to “nation build” despite that not being something our military is able to do.

No, you’re confused. Matt Berry plays two roles on the show, Laszlo the vampire, and a one-time role as human bartender Jackie Daytona. Completely separate characters.

One comment (not necessarily aimed at you, but an observation that might apply): I think there’s a fundamental gap in understanding how people operate that TLJ exposes. Some people are essentialists, and they’re the sorts who are transphobic, for instance, because when you are born you are born in essence how you are,

You mean you didn’t get why he died doing something the movie stressed was probably a fatal use of the Force, several times? Even Snoke mentions that when explaining the linkage between Rey and Ren.

Yes, he had a story arc IN TLJ.

So Luke kills thousands of people as a pilot, before he’s really taken up the ways of the Jedi. What has that to do with his struggling to take up the ways of the Jedi?

Largely right, but there’s several major points that this article gets wrong:

Asking a woman in her 20s who works for you whether she is monogamous? That is not “men that age” behavior, and I am pretty certain that he isn’t asking questions like that of all the men who work for him.

Clear, established, and LEGALLY REQUIRED procedures for handling harassment complaints were not followed by the Governor’s staff; they were clearly covering for him. If he had done absolutely nothing wrong and these accusations are merely driven by bias or animus, why did people loyal to him not follow the correct

You think Disney cheated ScarJo out of what she was owed, but pays every penny that everyone else employed by them deserves?

I’d prefer her to appear as Omega.

I’m pretty certain that an actual “nice guy,” if such a person exists in a non-cringeworthy way, would not be willing to appear on this program in the first place.

Walking, talking trees? No problem.

Wasn’t the kiss a distraction from the genuinely transgressive killing of He Who Remains, which opens up the timeline, enables free will, and enables Kangs to run riot throughout time?

Dangers of this Space Tourism: The initial space program may have been fueled by militarism and nationalism, but it was operated by the government with an expectation that it would benefit the public good. Allowing billionaires to replace the government means that a future private space program will benefit

Seconded. Seeing at least one, and probably two, women abused by their father for a period of years or decades, the word getting out, and Jezebel deciding to cover it reasonably well and suddenly dropping dad’s responsibility entirely to do a vapid “Spears sister catfight” story is not just deeply disappointing, it

She wants to be a hero, too, so now that she’s killed the villain and brought chaos and free will to time, she has to try to do the right thing, but it isn’t clear what that is.

And what’s so interesting about all of this Loki-focused development is its applicability to Kang. Here’s a man who met his many other selves and concluded they were all horrible and his only option was to wall them off from the universe. He acknowledges he’s a villain. But his response to seeing that his other selves

Anybody else notice how the framing of Kang against the five circular windows behind him often looked like a hidden Mickey? I feel like there was a subtle dig at the power of the Mouse and its gradual digestion of other studios.