
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein is coming to Youtube!

In a few weeks, when he’s posting from his new platform on Stormfront, expect to hear a lot of Republicans claiming that they’ve never heard of it before.

Some of the worst states in this country suffer from the problem that all the sane citizens with the education or wealth to move elsewhere have left, meaning that those who are left are desperately poor and badly educated, and the other people left are determined to cut services and remove anything progressive that

What’s next, claiming that the Nazis were peaceful until the movement was infiltrated by the Jews, who tricked Hitler into going to war, and that the Holocaust was a false-flag operation?


Given that the Mary Poppins arc went from “bankers are bad people but can be saved” to “some bankers are bad people but bankers are also heroes,” I’m just as happy that we never got to see what Disney would have done with the Nazis in a Bedknobs & Broomsticks sequel.

“Remember that totally fake virus that I’ve been telling everyone to ignore since March 2020? Turns out it is such a serious threat that everybody needs to concentrate all their efforts on coming together to fight it instead of launching a criminal investigation into me and locking me up! I am totally focused on a

Hmm: 2020-21 ratings average 5.398 million, with high/low 6.89m/4.69m. 2019-20 averaged 7.88 million. Capaldi’s last series averaged 5.88 million, with high/low 7.24m/5.12m.

Rowling has 14.2 million Twitter followers. She is not making an abstract point about feminism and activism. She is directly telling a subset of her followers that she genuinely believes that they have been tricked into transitioning from male to female, or that they want to be allowed to use the ladies’ room so they

Sometimes a performer who is leaving a series has limited availability because they are filming something else. No idea if that was the case here.

Baffling in multiple ways: WW is near the White House when she takes to the air and begins to fly at speed. Whereupon she turns around, goes back to the Watergate, and puts on armor with wings?

Drama is when, after pulling that stunt and involuntarily having your stomach pumped at the local hospital, they tell you that they don’t accept your insurance and you owe $5800.

Look, my mom may have been born and raised in Boston, but she was raised by Spanish nannies, not her parents, so that makes her Spanish. QED.”

And unless we’re meant to think Barbara somehow vanished after, why in the world not have her appear in the December scene, spending time with Diana? “Hey, we had something, then you got jealous of me and made a wish and we tried to kill each other, then I electrocuted you but you got better and renounced your wish to

So irritating. The writers had Barbara point out several times when WW was being condescending to her, and she WAS! The writers chose to write her that way? WTF?

Well meaning, fun, and dumb as a post. If we’d learned anything about Max Lord’s background earlier there might have been more pathos to his eagerness to please, and less villainy, but given that he felt like the main character through about half of the movie, I’d have settled for more Wonder Woman.

C’mon, HBO Max. Can’t we get Beyond Thunderdone?

Mission Impossible: Our Star will Self-Destruct in Ten Seconds

The later seasons hold up much better on rewatch now than they seemed at the time. Though that may be an effect of how many bad sitcoms have aired since the 90s.

“It’s all right... former president Donald Trump broke his fall.”