
This is just awful, Dr. Alford, and you deserved better. The men who pull this shit are often the high-roller researchers and departmental stars, capable of all sorts of unprofessional behavior without much consequence on that account; that makes things worse, because their prestige makes them better positioned to

“Elite” schools are more likely to experience these problems: more of their faculty are men, and the emphasis on research productivity is so extreme that they can do almost anything in the classroom so long as they’re keeping the school in the top 10 in terms of research metrics. A tiny school with 65% women on the

Come to think of it, forcing Mando to remove his helmet in order to “have a drink” with the officer would have worked just as well. And him quietly seething about doing it to avoid blowing their cover only for Mayfield to then shoot the guy and blow their cover anyway would have worked a bit better, I think.

Sure, Indiana Jones, but I was also getting some real A-Team vibes from this episode.

I dragged another AV Club interview recently for being non-stop promotion/shilling instead of an actual engagement with the interviewee. So bravo for a Random Roles in the best traditions of the Club!

When HBO Max opened providing HD rips for all torrent sites of all their content, did they see a brief boost in membership and then everyone dropping the service because pirates offered the same product for less?

Since you clearly believe there is nothing here to discuss, why ask the question? You aren’t making a case for your position, you’re complaining that everyone doesn’t already agree with you.

Seconded. Republicans and conservatives have decades of experience with this. Want to eliminate regulations and allow polluters to dump whatever they want into the public waterways? “Clean Water Act.” Want to demolish the buildings where poor people live downtown so you can put up expensive condos that price “those

Not wasting our time got us President Donald Trump.

Hire Mr. T for a public campaign of reclamation: “I’m gonna get you, Sukkah!”

It’s fiction. Cline could just as easily have made his rich dude secretly love the Strawberry Shortcake cartoons, or anything outside of Cline’s own personal interests.

How is that problem to be addressed if not one book at a time?

Which states? The link goes to the whole GAO report, not the specific portion with this information. Or does the report not name them?

Hmm. I see that the White House Office of Communications office includes the Office of Media Affairs, Office of Research, Office of the Press Secretary, and the Office of Speechwriting.

You need to tell the dungeon that you want an open relationship.

Remember when AV Club would interview stars, and while it’d be obvious that they were doing the promotional rounds, the interview would be more focused on the star than whatever was being promoted? And on some occasions, the star would thank the interviewer for it?

Why didn’t I get a Community notification for this?!

Bets that the word “mosques” did not appear in that section of his speech?

Is this news, though? IS IT?

The attack would have happened six months earlier, but it took forever to train that goat to push the right buttons in the elevator.