
You know what? It’s fair to drag the cast for not defending others from death threats and active racism.

Mad at reality.

If people stopped fucking racists, there would be no fucking racists.

As much as I may rail against the inherent injustice of the fact that all living things must die, it certainly beats the alternative possibility of someone like Rush Limbaugh living forever.

Part of the point is that a president who repeatedly insists he’s one of the greatest dealmakers ever doesn’t seem to understand the basic principles of dealmaking.

4 Americans died in Bengazi. 215,000 plus, maybe 400,000 by year’s end from COVID. It is mind-boggling how the people still outraged by the 4 are actively contributing toward the 400,000.

Republicans don’t want to fund that, for reasons we all know already.

Male locker rooms exist to differentiate between men who enjoy hanging out there from the men who are desperate to avoid and/or escape them.

“It comes with 800 different varieties of Monopoly! That’s almost a $5 value!”

“The trump era”? Those of us who voted for Bill Clinton know that it’s hardly a recent development to see the left deny reality in the name of voting for a Democrat who can actually win office.

You are aware that women are not the only way that a man can experience sexual pleasure, right? Why do you need women to provide you a “cure” when you can take matters into your own hands?

The logic here is roughly equivalent to calling out someone who writes a critical article about the risk of Neo-Nazi groups in Germany by accusing them of hating all Germans.

That’s key to his “success.” In a democracy, a politician at risk of losing support of his voters, and therefore the next election, is supposed to respond by voting for what his voters want over what his party wants.

They also want to protect the rapist’s parental rights. Because a baby should grow up with a mother and a father, even in cases where the father is also the child’s grandfather.

There’s no clearer sign of what the “pro-life” side really wants than their desire to ban abortion, the medical procedure, even in cases where the fetus is already dead.

“See, we can prove these mail-in ballots are subject to voter fraud!”

Seems like Burr wants to be George Carlin but lacks the patter and doesn’t have quite as much charisma. I can’t say I’ve followed his career, though, so that’s just my impression of that monologue.

Can we all agree on two principles?

I guarantee you that in the 1920s in Montgomery Alabama, a young black man who even glanced at a white woman would have drawn police attention. Harder to say about young white men.

It’s not a safe haven; sadly, it’s not even a no-kill shelter.