
If you want to protest, maybe you could join one of the protests going on all over the country? Or is this really “I’m voting my conscience and can then spend 364 days smugly satisfied that I did my best to change the system?”

For 3, these are senators who don’t have to vote for legislation that might endanger their seats so long as the filibuster is in place, but would have to if it were gone.

Even the coronavirus doesn’t deserve to come down with a case of Barr.

That’s the next step; he emerges from the hospital “born again” and demands his supporters catch COVID in the name of “herd mentality.”

If he dies, that makes all his problems go away! It is genius!

Even Fox News is struggling to spin this, and Trump is obsessed with the appearance of strength and invulnerability.

The election is already a referendum on his mishandling of COVID. I don’t think catching it helps him in any meaningful way.

Certainly makes sense for upper division classes and advanced degrees. But how exactly do you propose doing such a thing in Physics 101, a class designed to teach the fundamental principles of physics to students who don’t even have Calculus?

Here’s what the Unions representing 43,000 Disney employees posted:

An irony here is that calling this sort of training “anti-American” reinforces the point that “American” values in the traditionalist sense these people mean them are, indeed, founded upon racism and white privilege.

Does anyone in the world think that Trump’s choice of names was the result of a logical process of observation about Zika and West Nile and not a racist dogwhistle intended to distract from his massive mismanagement? Maher is consistent in defending obvious assholes on the grounds that in theory, a non-asshole could

I can’t see any stories about Comcast Universal executives reversing their 20% pay cuts, so good for them on that.

I don’t think I’m interested unless Donald Trump turns out to be a SBC character and he’s been playing the long game for four years.

The laws need to be changed. Even if these cops did knock and say “It’s the police” before breaking the door down, what the laws seem to assume is that residents can automatically hear and understand that announcement.

More than that: look at the spreads in the past few elections. You need to win voters who are moderate independents or undecided close to the time of the election. Anyone who is undecided about this election in October is not closely following policy matters and may not even be aware of what fracking is. But they may

It says that although they don’t support her, she makes them so much money that they aren’t willing to risk offending her.

Even if these people deserve it, this sort of thing feels like “punching down.” And it’s usually done with either hard-right or undecideds.

$2 million to purchase and destroy these tickets. The “purchase” part has some interesting implications: CEC doesn’t currently own billions of tickets printed for their use. Given that they’re the ones who decided to switch to paperless, presumably these had been printed prior to that point and, due to bankruptcy,

Police shooting database link doesn’t work.

Tomorrow he’ll tell us that the trees that don’t explode commit voter fraud.