
Nobody is going to watch a Youtube video explaining a candidate’s policy position. If they wanted to research that, they could go to the candidate’s website (for Biden, anyway: Trump has no platform).

The Current Resident knowingly suppressed information and downplayed COVID risks to protect the stock market at the expense of hundreds of thousands of deaths, and we’re talking about Woodward and journalistic integrity?

Conservatives enjoy screwing over other people; liberals enjoy screwing themselves over.

The sitting president of the United States just openly asked his supporters to commit election fraud, after complaining since his election about fraud despite having the committee he set up forced to disband because election fraud is simply not a problem.

They stripped Harry of all his agency in Goblet, and they did that by making Moody too-obviously villainous instead of a co-conspirator with Harry, training him to fight the Dark Arts by dubious methods. Harry does nothing in the movie except at the end.

The movies (and Goblet especially) are far too casual about the professors of Hogwarts physically abusing their students.

Yes, Dan seems to have missed that DISCORD’s husband had someone online (or was online) trying to convince her to cheat. This level of controlling means Dan’s advice might get this woman killed.

Yeah, I wonder if Ana de Armas would agree that Johnson doesn’t know what the hell to do with actors of color.

Take a look at the terrible architecture in homes that these rich folks are buying, too. It’s almost as if good taste, discernment, and picking out the best people to do jobs for you require skills and character traits that you don’t innately receive along with gobs of money!

1. This was dumb and Pelosi shouldn’t have done it.

I see what you’re trying to say, but of course, enslaved Black people were subject to rape, torture, and murder at the hands of their “owners” with no legal recourse. In some jurisdictions, treating your “property” like human beings by providing them education was illegal.

Bizarre reasoning in so many different ways:

“This well-meaning young man generously released some of the bullets from their confinement within his weapon, following which some dangerous Black curfew-breakers recklessly obstructed the path of these bullets with their bodies.

I got a Community notification for this?

More to the point, few such victims end up with a platform like McGowen has. The ones who never made it in LA aren’t in a good position to fight back without amplification, and these sorts of accusations still aren’t taken seriously enough.

I’m sure a criminal creep would behave entirely reasonably if she went through “private channels.”

And where, pray tell, ought she to release this information where a large number of people will come across it and create pressure for a response while being perfectly reasonable and measured? Facebook? Youtube comments? MySpace?

He does address both that it is illegal to strike someone from a jury list on account of race, and that prosecutors can still pretty easily do that by finding any other excuse.

Given that we’re now living in a world where a lot of actual racists use that same word and then insist they were being satiric, I don’t see a disclaimer as unreasonable. You can’t expect people to do independent research on a streaming film before watching it.

While Disney cuts back on hours, Universal Studios is closing several days a week and firing more employees. Did you know Universal Studios Orlando doesn’t allow employee unions and that Disney does? Or that unlike Disney, Universal reopened its water park?