
You should clearly be allowed to decide for yourself how to respond when people repeatedly mispronounce your name. To suggest that the decision you arrived at is somehow objectively wrong would be very odd: someone else doesn’t get to decide for you whether or not you should be offended.

17th century Puritans: “Am I one of the elect? If good things happen to me, yes. When misfortune strikes, I must repent and hope for grace.”

For some reason, wanting Bezos to make slightly less money so that all the hard-working Amazon employees can make more is no different in your mind than wanting “freeloaders” to have Bezos’ money.

Why are you more upset that a disabled veteran who is unable to work might receive a pension out of your tax dollars, but unconcerned that a janitor who works one-tenth as hard as a company executive receives one ten-thousanth as much salary?

There’s evidence that adults with COVID, even those asymptomatic, may be suffering permanant organ damage which could lead to a myriad of complications down the road. How do we know what effect the virus could have on asymptomatic children later in life?

If you really want to see how stupid this is, consider that the supposed cheating “problem” could be addressed by the exam givers simply providing free tampons to those taking the exam.

Well, our current president can remember five simple nouns while, at the same time, identifying a drawing of an elephant. So we have that going for us.

Alabama Adventure amusement park and the associated WATER PARK are open in AL. No mention of COVID-19 on their website. Photos of parents and kids with no masks posted on Facebook. Could we get ten minutes of research for a look at how local amusement parks in states hard hit by COVID have reopened instead of repeated

However ill-advised Disney’s reopening may be, they are requiring masks and have taken a lot of measures to ensure social distancing, more than other amusement parks that have already reopened. Equating them to this massively irresponsible business owner is itself irresponsible, especially when refusing to call out

My favorite red herring joke since Doyle wrote “The Red Headed League:” a red hair ring.

So you can’t cast a transgender actor in a film about a transgender character because there are no transgender stars? How do you suppose actors become stars? By never being cast in anything?

It is a stark statement that, in Sessions’ mind, “Black man threatened by police” always equals “criminal” regardless of circumstances. Actually, one might simplify to “Black = criminal” and probably throw in a few other ethnicities as well.

If the majority of the work force had all their basic needs securely met, that would weaken the ability of the very wealthy to keep depressing their wage growth and sink the percentage of business profits that should go to workers into “growth.” If the government offered secure housing, access to food, and a minimum

This family of sites has the power to cancel people by itself? They can’t even stop the fake Emilio Lizardo account!

“But the dictionary”? It’s like the Current Occupant trying to gin up a fight over his use of the words “Kung Flu,” like the correct time to pick a fight over whether someone’s using the right words is when the man in charge of the federal government is uninterested in a disease that is on the rise again and has

19 weeks to Election Day. Will Jezebel pledge to do one story a week profiling or interviewing women who were victims of Donald Trump’s sexual harassment? Why does this one woman deserve a repeated platform here while all those women do not?

There’s a lot of fan fiction in this setting, written by a very diverse group of people and depicting and exploring diversity. It’s possible to stop supporting Rowling without deplatforming or shaming these writers, who clearly found something within the work which spoke to them even if it’s become increasingly clear

The Current Resident has a wide series of racist policies that, over the past four years, have directly led to the unnecessary deaths of non-white people.

The underlying assumption here seems to be that the primary votes of millions of Democrats somehow don’t count, that it’s the corrupt party establishment responsible for Biden winning the most primary support, and that the best resolution for the situation is to negate the wishes of a majority of voters and leave it

We have a serial harasser in the White House right now. If my only viable choices are between this man and the Current Occupant (and no third party candidate has a viable chance at winning the upcoming election, so these are our options), it is obvious which of the two will be better for women. The Occupant only