
I don’t know why fantasizing about being her lover having sex with her is narcissistic and not extremely empathic? She isn’t wishing she was making love with herself and the man wasn’t there at all, she’s imagining that she can feel what he feels.

Two tips for those who disliked The Last Jedi and feel compelled to make a post about how far-right trolls hated it all about them: yes, it is possible to dislike the movie and not be a far-right troll, but when the conversation is about the trolls and nobody has stated “all those who hated the film are right-wing

While Disney might be able to do better by their employees, not only are they negotiating with their unions (and there’s dozens representing different sorts of employees), I haven’t read stories about the unions being up in arms about the agreements being reached.

I think Empire is overrated and RotJ underrated. Empire best captures the spirit of the old serials, mainly by presenting a series of disconnected episodes (Hoth, Dagobah, Asteroids, Cloud City) and yoking them together through the Force, narratively. There’s probably some Jungian-based symbology functioning there in

The “hold your breath” test is false and potentially dangerous if it convinces a person with the virus that they are fine.

The Forbes article identifies patients who lost smell and taste and are recovering them. There is no suggestion of the loss being permanent. What is your source for that claim?

I agree; the score is brilliant but too much. I distinctly remember young me sitting in the theater, tears running down my face as the music swelled, feeling like the emotion had been wrung out of me forcefully and not earned. ET is stylistically ungentle and has a lot less subtext than most of Spielberg’s films. The

One of a dozen or so? Pfui!

He’s trying to say that nobody under the new system needs to be afraid that going to the hospital for a life-saving procedure could leave you with a surprise bill for tens of thousands of dollars in a time where many Americans can’t afford to spend an extra $450.

“Scooter, it’s your turn.”

Let’s be clear about this phenomenon. Somebody with authority makes a bad decision (hey, let’s whitewash another part and cast Scarlett Johansson). The news breaks mentioning the famous person’s name, not the name of the person with authority. People making public posts on social media know that it would take effort

You all realize you’re mocking French workers for being less exploited than we are, right?

Yes, we all long for the subtlety of the classic series. Like how it subtly made a case for vegetarianism in The Two Doctors by having a character who wanted to cook and eat human beings. Or the subtle satire on taxation and capitalism of The Sun Makers where the chief villain is The Collector and he turns out to be a

Not watched Picard yet myself, but I’ll point out that he and Data were mind-networked during the Locutus period. Maybe that left something behind that’s started to manifest itself?

They use the TARDIS to get there and Edison makes a point about how far they traveled. But yes, everyone’s clearly vague about the relative positions they’re traveling between.

First time watching the show, huh? 

She got the loneliness moment, the reaction about how many ruined worlds she’s seen, and a 10-style “no second chances” line. And with every episode I get more impressed with her Tom Baker-style delight in dangerous situations, especially because its source is so radically different. She’s one of the most

Someone writing about a different culture “objectively isn’t” racism? So you have access to an objective means to evaluate whether something is racist or not. That sounds very useful! Could you please link us to that means, or, if you bravely undertook the task of devising such an objective assessment yourself, make a

Burns had a big comeback playing God.

It’s ridiculous. What makes these characters “men?” Did they carefully model dick physics and do they run through the game naked? Are they all shirtless?