
It will be the first Sith-uation comedy.

In addition to Sutekh and the circus drone, we have the Keeper of Traken, the Malus, and Vena (from Timelash, which nobody should be expected to remember), the spaceliner Titanic, the Runaway Bride, and most definitely Omega with Time Lord assistance. Arguably the White and Black Guardians, potentially the Gravis, and

Nothing can get into the TARDIS except a psychic projection from Sutekh. Or an advertising drone from the Psychic Circus.

My free advice to the studio: go smaller by interweaving two or three films. So in one, Hulk shows up in the middle of a Dr Strange movie, only he’s having his own adventure that intersects briefly and that we’ll see from his perspective in his own film. Maybe the Fantastic Four are trying to fix a problem and come up

You know the people who made billions off of cigarettes? Who, because their product was killing their customers, deliberately targeted kids as young as 8 to keep the profits rolling in? Who made their product as addictive as possible? Who factored in fines and lawsuits into their bottom line because they cared more

There was a time when conservatives claimed that the best way to defend capitalism was to fight against totalitarian communist governments. Funny how that seems to have reversed itself entirely. I’d say the shift came when a subset of conservatives became convinced that huge corporations and capitalism are one and the

If you’re involved in making a movie like Joker, maybe don’t reveal to the public that you look at it kind of like your autobiography?

The new CEO of Juul started his career with Philip Morris USA in 1997. Philip Morris owns over 30% of Juul. He is former CEO of Philip Morris and prior to that was in charge of “Strategy and Business Development” for the corporation. Juul, clearly, was part of that business development strategy.

What highly addictive nicotine product do you think Philip Morris will come up with in 10-20 years to help Juul addicts quit Juul?

Priest placed on leave, under investigation for sexual abuse of a minor.” Unless he’s not under investigation, in which case, that’s the story.

We should do what was done to cigarettes, which went from a majority of Americans smoking to 15% by 2015. Note too that at least in the 21st century, 40%+ of smokers were trying to quit. I know lots of people who want to cut back on their chocolate intake, but not 40% of all people who enjoy chocolate want to quit.

Nicotine is not a “mild legal stimulant.” In the form that these corporations deploy it, it is one of the most addictive substances known to humanity. Furthermore, a physical dependence forms on nicotine faster than cocaine (3 “doses” as opposed to 5, on average); I wasn’t able to find similar numbers for heroin.

Wrong conversation. The real conversation is about the tycoons who made hundreds of billions of dollars getting kids hooked on nicotine while covering up that it killed people. When that finally looked like it was falling apart, they pivoted to “tobacco cessation” products that, while somewhat effective, also happened

Nonsense. The “best case” scenario sees the investigation drawn out by executive stonewalling, with embarrassing information coming out via leaks all through early 2020 and candidate Trump facing trial in the Senate just after he accepts the nomination. I don’t know what happens if a sitting president running for

You know what, I’m going to bend over backward and assume this post is completely well-meaning. You’re not making this comparison, but “security theater” after 9/11. A bunch of intrusive measures that change our live permanently based on something unlikely to happen again.

I’m being unfair; this isn’t concern trolling. You’ve found a new version of “well, actually” called “well, actuarily...”

Concern trolling, at best. Should nothing have been done about lynchings or the bombing of black churches because statistically, they involved a small percentage of African-Americans? Should slavery be OK because only a small percentage of black children were born into it? Why not compare the probabilities of a school

Will the thieves try to sell this thing right away, or will they sit on it for a while?

This is not the “six seasons and a movie” I was waiting for.

“I am a professional. I keep my sexual harassment at home where it belongs.”