
Preface: I support people doing things with their bodies up to and including assisted suicide. This response isn’t about the people who vape.

“Only the best hurricanes, folks. Obama wishes he had had hurricanes this good.”

Which makes it a little odd that these valiant “protectors” kept having sex with partners who did not want children without bothering to use protection.

I can’t understand why this is still a thing. When Poe does find out the plan, he immediately shares it with Poe, Rose and an unknown man who tells the Empire , getting most of the evacuating people killed.

Dan’s advice isn’t wrong, but it is interesting that women are the ones who have to do something about men who are bad and selfish lovers. What are men doing to try to counteract all the stuff available culturally that ensures most men will make lousy lovers and most women will expect bad sex? Studies have shown that,

At the heart of her complaint is that Burger King not only doesn’t know anything about making a burger, they aren’t bothering to ask what she wants to eat, just serving her whatever gets them off the fastest.

Certainly no man has ever posted or said anything hyperbolic or dramatic. That’s only a woman-thing for some reason or other that never gets articulated.

Given that the G-7 nations just collectively pledged $20 million (yes, million with an “m”) to address this crisis caused by human activity and the right-wing Brazilian government’s massive deregulation, this is sadly a big deal.

Imagine if this guy had had access to Kickstarter.

One side wants to ban life-saving medical procedures. In the name of being “pro-life.” The other emphasizes that the state should not be allowed to make life or death decisions for its citizens. One side passes laws designed to restrict access to abortion AND OTHER SERVICES on bullshit grounds. The other... doesn’t.

The Amazon series should give him a guest spot playing Tom Bombadil. I bet he’d work cheap. Alternatively, I’d accept a Youtube series of him playing MERPS.

Reimagine Big but with the main character a girl who turns into a woman. Though that’d either be a much more depressing film or even less realistic than the original.

Evidence that the MAINSTREAM right supports or tolerates claims driving the El Paso shooter: thousands of statements from the president and Fox News personalities calling the presence of Mexicans in this country an “invasion” and an “emergency” that calls for drastic action.

The Ruth=Scrooge message doesn’t seem to have registered for her yet. I do think Ruth’s decision is driven by Carmen’s: if Carmen weren’t leaving I suspect Ruth wouldn’t be driven to move on. The real question is whether Ruth’s genuinely leaving to pursue what she really wants or not, and I don’t suppose that can be

And they didn’t make that statement initially because? Did they feel that admitting they have an official policy against supporting the mockery of a brutal dictator but no policy against taking the dictator’s money might be harmful to their brand? Indeed, it sounds like they will take money from people to “consult”

A satire by Damon Lindelof? Like Star Trek Into Darkness?

That would establish Doctor Who as fictional in the Marvel universe. Thus denying us the ultimate crossover after Brexit bankrupts the British government and Disney buys the BBC.

Are there a lot of people who abuse their pets or torture squirrels and are exemplary in their kindness toward other human beings? Or is it more likely that someone unable to resist shouting abuse at a dog who can’t understand the hurtful words will behave the same towards people?

She’s miserable; he’s miserable. It’s possible that no solution that will make her stop being miserable will avoid him being miserable; at that point he has to make his own decision about divorce or opening the relationship or remaining miserable. The compromise solution of she’s still miserable, but he isn’t, is NOT

Wallace exemplifies an attitude that now controls the Republican party, one of breathtaking cynicism that insists all politics is performance, not conviction. This is where forty years of trashing the government they want to control has gotten them. When Hilary Clinton essentially accused Donald Trump of cheating on