
Babylon 5 season 4 would like a word with you. (And while I’m willing to give you the first half of S5, the second half is OK to great and the show sticks the landing.)

Did he really make a video of “Amish Paradise” that’s even whiter than the original?

1. If the current testing is problematic because the “average male” is no longer average, why are the death rates so much higher for women? Shouldn’t current women be closer to the then “average male?” Either the assumption that women’s bodies are effectively no different from men’s for purposes of these tests is

Two thoughts on CHURN:

No, the mayor referred to him as Schwarzenegger.

People also went to the bathroom. Yet these same shows almost never depict that. It’s almost as if a fictional story can omit things that happened historically if it wants to!

You want to see just how badly women’s labor is devalued in our culture? Consider this: some employers are very supportive of employees who want to temporarily leave their positions for additional education or special training, understanding that these workers increase their value to the business in this way. Some

Putting pressure on the Republican-controlled Senate to, for instance, impeach the president gives them an issue to campaign on in 2020. Putting pressure on them to support the ERA forces them to alienate either women or their toxic base.

So RBG points out that Kavanaugh has made history by being the first SC justice to have four female clerks? Beyond the obvious (wondering how he treats his clerks, suspecting they’re all the “the list” of conservative legal minds to be made judges), I find myself wondering why RBG never hired four female clerks.

People are very confused about freedom of speech. If the US government sent the FBI to break into a private residence in Central Pennsylvania and arrested everyone inside for being Nazis, that’s unconstitutional. If the government had an author and his publisher arrested and thrown in prison for printing a book that

What most irritates me is that the corporations who keep covering and reporting on politics have no memory whatsoever. What did polls predict at this time in past elections, and to what extent did they change over the primary season? Heck, in October 2007 Hilary Clinton was a clearly stronger candidate in the polls

Clearly, if Biden wins the primary, he is preferable to Trump. But why should that give him a pass on his behavior before he wins the primary? If the left just rolls over and supports him now as the default, then why shouldn’t he win the primary? Why is fighting for someone more representative of the Democratic party

And fertility clinics? Why is it permissible to recklessly endanger human life in the name of having biological offspring? Do you support the state forcibly implanting women with all those frozen embryos?

Presumably, summer is associated with fire and winter with ice, because why do it the other way? Given that the big bad ice guy and all his ice minions is dead, but we still have 1 of 3 dragons remaining, I’d say summer wins.


You mean exactly like everyone thought it was before, until the White Walkers were proven to exist?

My memory: seeing it on opening day with a large group of friends, and gradually going from delighted to upset over the course of the movie. The initial set-up is problematic, with the threat not being “kill the Queen” but “get her to sign a treaty,” the two Jedi weirdly caught between being unstoppable and

I am surprised they used a total of two people’s photos. Surely you’d want to test for a variety of people pictured with water or beer? And wouldn’t you want to control for other factors in the two pictures: same stance, expression, lighting, clothing, with the difference being what is held in the hand? Heck the two

First, perhaps you can give me some examples of people who didn’t like TLJ and have been hounded off of social media as a result. Because I can give you examples of people who were IN TLJ and hounded off social media by the bad actors whose toxic behavior is causing problems for reasonable people who disliked TLJ and

That all seems quite reasonable.