
If you click through to the full story at Buzzfeed, you will see that each of these three instances occurred in a work setting.

Setting aside (as you seem to) the older accusation, which was one of rape, I don’t understand why in the world abusing one’s position of authority or one’s fame to make unwanted sexual advances on women in professional settings is something you either feel the need to defend or that you feel someone is arguing merits

Providing a living wage to these people should be a matter of national security. If we have the spare dollars to send the military to the border with Mexico to address a group approaching it that still had a month of travel-time before arriving, surely plugging this huge security gap is worth some money. Even an

So a woman raped at age 18 and forced to have a child because she is poor and lives in a state with a single abortion clinic should never have a chance to go into politics to change the system for the better because “choices have consequences?” Surely the sensible route is to hold the wealthiest and most powerful to

Yeah, Big Finish is the hope there. James I meets River Song and Captain Jack!

Twelve underlined what he wanted Thirteen to be like, and she’s pretty much obliged. “Kind” was on the list; “angry” wasn’t.

It is not your fault. What was done to you left wounds, some of which may take decades of work for you to slowly heal. And these predators chose to prey upon you because of those wounds. That is all on them, not on you. Look after yourself, get out as rapidly as you safely can, give yourself time to heal (ideally with

Naming the AI running things “The System” confused the message. The Doctor was clearly pro-robot/AI in her attitude. Was that speech defending the AI/Robots (they didn’t want to do what they were made to do) while condemning people abusing them, or was it defending “the system” (capitalism, perhaps)?

Institutions are people’s protection against authoritarians. Is it surprising in the era of Facebook, Twitter, and fake websites, that the authoritarians are getting better at undermining people’s faith in their institutions?

Every tax deduction these people make is government assistance. Why food stamps are somehow less honorable than refusing to contribute your fair share to the costs of maintaining the country you claim to love would be beyond me if if weren’t so obviously tied to class.

No, JMS claims that the Shadow War would have gotten only a few more episodes and S4 would have ended with the Sheriden-in-custody story. S5 would have gotten to Endgame about six episodes in, then done some Interstellar Alliance stories before amping up for the Fall of Centauri Prime arc and the falling action of the

We’re more than halfway through this series. I think we know whether people are sticking around or not by now.

Which specific S1 TNG episode do you think this resembles?

How many jobs would she have to lose thanks to sexual harassment before you would consider the harrassment to be unacceptable?

What more humane death was available which also protected people and the environment from predation or damage? Should the Doctor have gotten the world’s largest rolled up newspaper?

I think we have a different understanding of the word “mercy.” I certainly hope that if I am ever in a position to want such a death that it will not be delivered by my worst enemy bursting into my hospital room, shooting me in the gut, and leaving in triumph while I die in agony.

A genuinely uninhabited planet means the spiders still starve. If you meant “no sentients” I can only say that potentially devastating an ecosystem to preserve at best a few dozen mutant spiders seems considerably worse than allowing them to die. When I take bugs out of my house in a shoebox to release them, I’m not

The Next Doctor was set in 1851 London (not the 1700s). If 1% of the population of London was black, that’s probably around 40,000 people at this point.

You know what? You’re the one who brought up an 11-year-old episode to complain about “reverse whitewashing” and I spent five minutes finding direct evidence that it’s historically plausible for a mayor of a “Hooverville” to be black. I’ve provided evidence for my position. It is in no way my job to go to the library

Unless you can document your claims about the differences between NYC and Seattle, you are offering zero evidence. That banks and landlords routinely discriminated against black people in 1929 NYC doesn’t prove that similar discrimination existed in Hooverville; it suggests why it might not have. Present your