
Google “Hooverville Jesse Jackson” and click on the Image tab to see a photo of the “mayor” of Seattle, Washington’s Hooverville, a black lumberjack. And consider that maybe a minute of research will provide you with what actually happened historically instead of the assumptions you’re making about what is possible.

“Non-snarky?” Holdo sacrifices herself and succeeds at saving what rebels escape (while also wrecking the Imperial fleet); Finn was trying to destroy a Death-Star cannon by flying down the barrel AS IT WAS FIRING. Calling the former “suicide” and the latter a “sacrifice” seems, shall we say, less than entirely fair.

And his rationale is that after a one day hearing there’s insufficient evidence to lead to a criminal conviction and “presumption of innocence.” We have now arrived at the new “Big Jule” standard for nominees: “thirty-three arrests and no convictions.”

“Apparently, Bellissimo had already been enjoying a 50-percent discount at the Oldsmar, Florida location, but he says the newly free food will probably inspire him to eat there every day for the rest of his life.”

Surely all of the women (and men) subject to sexual harassment by those with power, or by those hired by and protected by those with power, also should be seen as having “skin in the game?”

A question for you and all the Star Wars fans who consistently post about why TLJ is bad whenever it is mentioned on a site like this, but who are not members of this toxic minority: are you as tireless in defending actresses like Tran and Ridley? Do you devote as much time and energy to fighting the toxicity within

You appear to have mistaken hyperbole for logic. But setting that aside: when a women makes a false rape accusation, both men and women generally disapprove. They hurt women who have genuinely suffered rape and who are already likely to receive a hostile response if they seek justice. I am unaware of any concerted

I am delighted that the hard-working park employees who make every experience at Disney World special will finally be able to share in the huge success of the corporation they work for, as well as being able to afford the bear necessities of life.

The movie should end with the coyote at the supermarket. He pulls out from the freezer section a box of “Road Runn’r vegetarian patties” and proceeds to the check-out line. After enduring a long wait, he arrives at check-out, attempts to pay by debit card, and is repeatedly rejected by the reader. He looks more

I swapped around helmets and air canisters to create a color-coding system allowing me to have a unique identifier for every single space minifig, then generated a database to track them by name and assignment as well as listing a brief character sketch for each.

It’s totally explicable why the response to a progressive being accused of abuse is different than to a conservative, and it has to do with the difference between one’s personal life and one’s political objectives.

Abusers have an obligation not to abuse, which they broke. Victims have no obligation towards their abusers. If a big movie star broke into your home and stole things, that would be entirely on them, as would any consequences to their career, and the crime would not impose any social obligations upon you, including

Saying the words “unprofessional towards women” can’t violate any legal restrictions. Nobody’s asking him to linger over every detail of what he did wrong, just to recognize and acknowledge that sexually harassing women isn’t the same as being an inexperienced manager presiding over a disorderly set. (Restitution and

I’m saddened that we’re still at a place where “here’s a bunch of women the accused didn’t try to extort into sex and ruin when they refused” is somehow presented as a defense.

If you want to have an argument, you need to pay first.

Hmm, Jungle Cruise, eh? ::checks IMDB:: Neither is credited as writer, which doesn’t mean they didn’t contribute, but that’s odd. Only credits for the two are Star Trek: Beyond (uncredited), Godzilla vs. Kong (writers room) and the Untitled Star Trek 4 (Kelvin series).

In our non-digital lives, we can work to limit our exposure to abusive or hostile people, and we can be selective about how and where we put in hours of emotional labor (still devalued). Those with something left to give can volunteer locally and spread kindness.

What’s next?

They should really just relax.

“A person who once dreamed and fought to change the world for the better does not, at the end of a day or week of just surviving, want to see a movie about someone who once dreamed and fought for changing the universe settle for just surviving.”