
Do we only care about abusive behavior when it is criminal?

“Utterly?” In a conversation that deserves some careful registration of nuance and degree of harm, you might want to think carefully before setting the bar of maximum disgust at Bill Clinton.

“I’m the POTUS, but a 22-year-old asked me to do something and it involves my dick, so I’m helpless to exercise any judgment whatsoever!”

A police officer pulls you over, runs your ID, gives you a list of four separate offenses for which he could run you in right now, then asks if you want to have sex with him.

And the performances are so good at that meeting. You can see the cost each character pays before declaring “Fight” (well, maybe not Garibaldi), and they’ve been so well established that you can even know what that cost is.

NRA: “We said ‘the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.’ We didn’t say which category we fall into.”

That’s what you said about nobody having to kneel before you, too, and we all remember what happened after that.

I doubt you watched the segment, as it not only provides multiple examples of outright lies (like “you have plenty of time to make a decision, as abortion is legal right up until birth”) but stresses that these groups deliberately mislead those who come to them for help and then cut mothers off after their baby is

Planned Parenthood and abortion providers are subject to strict regulation (in many states, regulation aimed at deliberately making clinics close). These providers are not. Republicans in Congress have repeatedly attempted to strip all Federal funding from Planned Parenthood programs that are unrelated to abortion and

Yes, totally unlike the prequel trilogy. Everybody liked those. Seriously, “polarizing” is a step up from The Phantom Menace. At least it means many people either strongly hated or loved the film.

Yeah, nobody else would be dumb enough to make major changes in the middle movie. Like a hench-villain turning out to be a main character and unexpectedly connected to a main character. Or having our protagonist disobey his mentor’s advice to run off and do something reckless to save his friends, only to have it all

Because workplace harassment is against the law:

Can only perfect people protect their colleagues from sexual harassment? His appearance and explanation of the situation proves that he should have been fired. His claim seems to have been that he stood by and did nothing to protect an NBC co-worker from abuse (he actually sounds on the tape like he’s enabling and

Let’s put the focus where it belongs: firearm manufacturers profit from the deaths of American citizens. Every time someone wants to kill themselves or others and goes out to purchase a weapon or ammunition, that means profit, and after the killing, the NRA advocates arming more people (which means profit). And if

I suggest everyone click on Muellerbueller’s account name, click on “discussions” and look for themselves at the posts he’s made (starting in Feb 2018, so not that many). That will provide useful context for you. It’s usually best to judge people by their behavior and not simply by what they say about themselves.

I have taught it in the college classroom in a satire course. Alongside Swift.

A good trick, given that no actual whales were used in the filming at all. The “humpbacks” seen in the movie were either ILM mechanical effects or stock footage. AHA isn’t involved because no animals were filmed to begin with.

“Forgiveness” puts the onus on the wronged. What we should all be talking about are “atonement” and “restitution,” not “forgiveness.” That should maybe, *maybe*, come after the other two.

Having read this complaint, I paid close attention to this scene when I rewatched the movie. There is a clear sound cue when the “drop bombs” button is finally pressed which continues as they “fall,” which to my ears certainly sounds like you would expect a railgun or other magnetic system for propelling projectiles

He may be in danger in prison...