
It is with sincerity that I write how deeply I appreciate all the work and effort that has gone into making the site almost as good as it was before the move to Kinja.

Yes, but connecting dad to the baby through things related to who dad is doesn’t justify thinking that mom only needs to be connected to the baby through the umbilical cord. Especially given how common postpartum depression is, you’d think we could get past the idea that women somehow are just naturally mothers, and

Aaand... was asked to log in despite being already logged in when I tried to post, and the past posts now show up, so, yay? I assume the process is a bit quick & dirty?

Hmm. Followed instructions, got to the Authorize step, clicked on the button, promptly got dumped back to still logged into a Kinja account with no comment. Tried using the Settings option to link to Google, got a dire “merge account” screen and clicked on merge.

Dear Dan,

There is certainly a valid argument to be made out of bits and pieces of this memo: does Google's diversity policy achieve the desired effect? Are there groups being undervalued by it? Is training and enforcement of anti-harassment policies being conducted productively and fairly?

Changing your political affiliation is a considerably easier procedure than changing your gender. Just ask the Governor of West Virginia. Making a claim about women, then, isn't the same as making a claim about Republicans.

The reasoning presented suggests that this particular claim is either disingenuous (much like the claim to be a "liberal" while asserting a position which conforms more closely to his own damn definition of conservatism), or that the author isn't actually capable of holding an internally consistent position. If it

While it's hardly worth the time pointing out all the ways in which the reasoning was wrong, I think in this one area it is worth noting that even if you accept many of the premises, the memo's argument falls apart unless you accept not just the biological determinism and sex/gender difference as part of it, but also

The Wall never seemed all that secure to me. We know there's a fortress where the Wall reaches the ocean that the White Walkers are aiming at. Unless their magic doesn't work that way, I don't understand why the attacking Wights wouldn't simply freeze the water and walk across the ice to bypass the Wall entirely.

Gopher or get out.

From what I saw, the majority there seem in favor. So this is a decision popular even with the hive!

My favorite comment thus far (on Gallifrey Base) was from someone who'd watched the show with his dad and reported that he said: "It's PC gone mad! They've just discarded the character after 50 years! How can she have a granddaughter? How can she have a wife?…"

He's no Abe Vigoda, though. RIP, Abe, RIP.

The scene will be replaced by an animatronic Bill Cosby delivering a lecture to the pirates about the dangers of brushing a woman's shoulders.

Not like the good old days, when Rose's sexuality was entirely irrelevant and never mentioned or suggested at whatsoever? Or are you fine with being constantly reminded about characters being heterosexual?

Yeah! Let's have the world saved by ennui next time!

Agents of Shield absolutely did this storyline far better than this episode did, and without wasting much time. I honestly wouldn't have bet on that happening when AoS started.

Ah, but unlike the Silence they knew (at least in this episode) the wisdom of keeping their big mouths shut.

A show that is exactly the same as it was fifty years ago doesn't deserve another fifty.