Boop The Patriarchy

“Can a feminist blog and the first female nominee really not have a serious, substantive discussion?”

Maybe she’s afraid she’ll be asked 34 questions about the movie Titanic (and doesn’t want to be associated with the notion of a sure thing being sunk by something unexpected)?

But do not forget: Hillary Clinton running an intelligent campaign is just proof of her conniving corruption!

Given the decidedly pro-Bernie slant to your primary coverage, it’s not a surprise she wouldn’t want to speak to Jezebel. Add in the fact that you want to tie her to a decades-old and never charged sexual assault her husband allegedly committed (one that Ken Starr even dismissed) and you wonder why you’re getting

kids are only considered Jewish if the mother is, unless you are part of an extremely liberal Jewish community

Converting to Judaism? Are you a masochist?

Thanks for this. Hope you read my reply above, although it’s both sloppy and will come off as frightfully jejune, I fear.

I wouldn’t answer this question for just anyone, but I have a weird memory for screen names and I’m like 90% sure I remember you dropping a Murder She Wrote reference at some point a few months ago, so it feels like we are old friends. :)

I say that if pursuing this calling helps her feel better, then we leave her be. She’s not likely to convince anyone of anything, nor harm anyone else.

Is no one going to say it?

Sorry for confusing you.

I’m a straight man, and I’m still getting some......feelings.

I could name at least 4 reasons. 1.) Why are you naked in my kitchen? 2.) Why is your peen so close to my food? 3.) Drizzling oil? And in the direction of himself instead of in the direction of the salad? Blatantly obvious. 4.) I am not a fan of yellow bell peppers.

Oh I hope they don’t.

Where’s the “Crush a Man” while eating a salad stock photo?

So I can use “werman” to refer to male men? And not get confused with wereman (which I assume is a wolf that turns human at the full moon)? Great!

I just looked at the emails I do have, and I get ones like this from Kelsey. (Not to be confused with Chelsea)

I have never in my entire life been as lit as Chelsea appears to be on an hourly basis

I want to crowdsource a question I have about chelsea’s “process.”

I’m looking forward to when Chelsea runs out of friendly greetings and vaguely flirtatious nicknames (‘pretty lady’, ‘beauty’) and has to resort to foriegn words and overt sexual harrassment. (“Willkommen, honey drawers!”, “Hola, sugar tits!”)