my god she’s a fox, too!
my god she’s a fox, too!
“If you think Chris Christie is qualified to sit on the Supreme Court, he’s got a bridge to sell you.... it already comes loaded with traffic”
See? Easy. Would have been a far better option.
THANK YOU. C. Christie is a sad excuse for sticking to your morals or any kind of follow through, but this non-stop fat shaming that goes on with him in the media is pathetic and so inappropriate. Thanks for speaking up.
Funny, but the Chris Christie/broken chair joke wasn’t cool. I don’t care how much you hate the guy, fat-shaming is fat-shaming.
Yeah, me too, honey. Huge hug to you right now. Every day’s a heartbreak, an outrage but what else can we do? Doing less, to me, is admitting they’re right and I’ll die before that happens. It’s worth dying for. Because a life without self-respect is no life.
Oh FFS. You already got people whining at you. There is an epidemic of violence against women either directly or indirectly caused by men, but we can’t even call attention to that cause it might hurt some innocent man’s feelings. Their feelings > our lives, and I’m done with that.
Dude, I don’t think you get to police the response of the oppressed to their ongoing oppression, ESPECIALLY as an ally.
Dialogue? Sure.
Empathise? Yeah babe.
Police/gaslight? Nah mate.
Right. Do you understand that this murder took place in Pakistan, and not in America? In the countries where honour killings take place, the police and judicial system (especially if they are conservative) often turn a blind eye because by their definition honour killings are family issues, and in this culture…
Nope! Thanks for asking! Xoxo!
Also, can we stop calling them ‘honor killings’? It’s murder, plain and simple. The root of the motive may be sexist, patriarchal cultural ideas, but it’s still murder. Calling it ‘honor killings’ implies there a legitimate reason for it, or that culture can be used an excuse. It cannot.
MISOGYNY is poison and it kills women by the thousands every day. Take the fundamentalism away, you will still have misogyny. It finds a different container (viz Atheist bros). MISOGYNY is everywhere in every belief and non-belief system. It’s bigger than fundamentalism by far. I’ll die fighting this war and it won’t…
They’re committed as part of a patriarchal system.
“Thought she was being overdramatic”.
Fundamentalism, in all its forms, across religions and cultures both, is a poison. Fuck them all.
I hate men.
There is a “Bucky’s Express” gas station I use. On the receipt, the apostrophe causes a giant space so it looks like BUCKY ‘ SEXPRESS. I giggle every time.
My name is Harbour Seal and I'm a third year medical student from Scotland and I approve your message.
My name is Tituss Burgess. Im an Emmy Nominated Actor for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt currently streaming on netflix.