My nearly 50 YO self is saying “you should have stood up for yourself and not married him if you were not ready, mother be damned”.
My nearly 50 YO self is saying “you should have stood up for yourself and not married him if you were not ready, mother be damned”.
Opening the windows to let in fresh air then burning incense sounds like the perfect morning routine for someone whose idea of overachieving is ticking off as many lifestyle memes as possible. Maybe just pick one or the other? A lot of these lives seem more like performance art than real substance. And probably have…
In the wild, the males are more transitory, and the females really only want them around when they are in a mood to breed. Matriarch lionesses will only breed with a male that can demonstrate physical dominance, and mating is quite violent, sometimes to the point that the male wounds the female significantly.
this haircut is universally unflattering. for proof, see its namesake above: this cut somehow makes aniston look pudgy and neck-less, a real feat of hair engineering.
Nope. They are still together, and looking even more alike than ever now that Joe is sporting a beard.
Interesting. Now, would you ever entertain a not-leaving-Jezebel conversation
That’s the one with Lainey, yes? I like her and Lainey Gossip too. I also think it was amazingly prescient of them to not have a comment section on there. The irony is strong in this comment.
I am living for the backhanded shadiness of this comment.
I’ve always felt bad for Lena Dunham. She’s so unfortunate looking and her styling choices make that even worse. I get why her average white female fans extol her soooo much. They look at her and are assured that their averageness will somehow make them succeed in any profession.
That just breaks my heart.
When the story broke that Jennifer was dragging her feet on the divorce, my first instinct was that it has nothing to do with reconciling or punishing him. It is about having the legal right to help with rehab and medical stuff.
That’s the wedding I want to see
Actually, it’s not fine the way it is, they need to stop that damn auto-play shit that happens if you hover over an episode or title for more than two seconds. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
I swear to Dog, I will start flipping tables and setting things ON FIRE if this becomes an all-the-time thing. I’m already irritated by the preview thingies starting if I linger too long while browsing. Ugh. Netflix. Stop. You’re fine the way you are, man.
oops forgot the link lol
How do we find out who our Daddy is?
sounds like a dessert i couldnt afford from a trendy bakery
With both Mario brothers dead and without issue, the House of Mario is now bereft an heir. Thus, the line of succession passes to the Wa, a branch of the family that has often quarreled with the main line despite their weak claims to the seat of the main House. Now the incumbent family’s inherited domain—including…