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    I genuinely dig this version of tay even though I low key hate the real tswift. It’s so compelling!!  

    Are you Justin Timberlake? Because I literally can’t think of anyone who would specifically name check JT as an innocent dragged into all this and maligned other than Justin fucking Timberlake

    k but like...I think I remember them having two og dogs named dolce and Gabbana (I feel like dolce was maybe a small yappie dog? idk) and I’m actually like...proud that Khloe kept the damn dog because every other animal that comes within twenty feet of one of them seems to get sucked into a pet abyss after the initial

    Nothing, because men

    OMG I completely forgot about him, that entire saga was batshit crazy and so deeply disturbing / disgusting

    This is understandable only if you’re willing to set aside any shred of decency you may have and buy into the premise of capitalism as anything other than evil 🤷‍♀️

    Alternatively, the only way to become financially successful is to in some way benefit from or actively participate in immoral behavior


    Lainey (laineygossip) has brought it up a couple of times in the past few weeks, worth checking out her take imo

    Read this as ‘Jesus wept’

    No need to manufacture anything...except for the photo

    Ok but we do know her!!!!! The one tree hill lady!

    newsflash canim but like any and all rich people are useless fucks and capitalism perverts any fading humanity we have left

    Bad post OP

    Something I think about whenever he comes up now is reading that he’s not allowed hair dye in prison so he’s lost his signature black locks (this was around when Obama was leaving and commuting sentences and homeboy honestly believed he was gonna get one)

    TBH i think it’s more like they’re both very vain, money loving assholes. and Miranda’s been training herself for this moment her whole life—lest we forget the shady Malaysian billionaire fiasco—and I get the feeling she’s 1000% on to something about uberrich men when money, toxic masculinity, and ego come together to

    Wasn’t she trained as a ballerina? I always figured it gave her more body awareness even though she was also SO young when she started out. Plus she was ~different~ right out the gate—remember when Tyra was mocking her from the audience?

    Typo in article—Red Cross raised half a BILLION. Usually I’m like meh about the typos but this one really gets me riled up bc the Red Cross really really is useless and basically laundered money using Haiti as an excuse and no one remembers.

    It’s billion, half a billion

    Different side of the same coin