No, what we need is Wreck-Gar and some Mad Max-esqe Junkions. I mean, it's so popular right now! The explosions almost CG themselves.
No, what we need is Wreck-Gar and some Mad Max-esqe Junkions. I mean, it's so popular right now! The explosions almost CG themselves.
Maybe Kinda Sorta.
I'll take some early Xmas on the 1st. Thanks!
"Investigate the truth for yourself. Now pardon me as I burn some history."
I think, in the end, it was 'gauzy fruit-cake'.
Was there even beer on the sun yet?!
Here, let me guess: dull surprise, dull surprise, dull surprise, dull surprise, and, uh… dull surprise.
Trace was so young and collected he looked more like a disgruntled grad student than a mad scientist.
Funny enough, these episodes probably aired before Zap sat behind the wheel of his Rowsdowermobile.
You might need to check and see if you son is really like 20 cats in a trench coat because that sounds like the most cat-like thing to do.
"Working Title" has a sort of charm to it, by comparison.
Trumpy Dumpy.
Uh, AV Club? Are you desperate for attention like this "person" featured above? Because I'm pretty sure you can do a lot better than this and still get our attention.
I thought my audible-but-unrecorded snrkt would be enough for anybody.
It didn't work. I did not work.
That always sounds like a great idea until you realize what the actual cost of making infinity pies is, and then how much it costs to power wash most of your house.
It seems Jon Stewart has, once again, won the coveted position of being Jon Stewart.
"I learned that from the pizza man."
Aaaaand it's gone.