
Hope she knows it’s hard to wash mic stains out of fabric.

For a second there I was like... “Isn’t that one of the bots from Silent Running?”

Man it’s been so long since I played LoL that I had a hard time recognizing any of the girls. I’m pretty sure that one’s Mercy, though I’m also fairly certain one of them is actually the Spy.

Yeah, the wait is fun. I ordered the Beserker Armor Guts back in September and I won’t see it until May :/

Except in Dark Souls and especially Bloodborne.

“Welp, it was a great restaurant. Shame it went to shit.”

I had two cats a while ago. They were sisters, but one of them was a runt and also was fiercely affectionate. So I started to coo when petting her and calling her ‘baby cat’. Then anytime I said ‘baby cat’ I’d hear a raspy meow and she’d come running from where ever to get some lovings.

[On Bloodborne] You walk in surgical gowns and clerical robes muttering prayers to a god that will be scientifically disproven by whatever shrieking beast comes slashing out of the darkness next.

they turned around and made it feel like he was really struggling against his father.

In all irony, he’s so distinct and consciously perceived his impact just wouldn’t.

Oof, modern. Good luck, be sure to bring some graveyard hate.

Nothing moves the CUBE!

Now playing

He smade one of my most-favorite commercials ever. Congrats to them!

I wanted to make a comment about Buffachu, but that Scaledong is such a show stealer.

D’aww it thinks it’s people. You wanna play swordsies, huh? Who’s a good doggy! Whossa good dog- ow, hey, that actually hur-...”

A right and noble purpose.

In honesty, the Adolfu-chan gave me a brief chuckle. I might be a terrible person.

He was born of a spaghetti clog that went on to bigger things.