
*hasn’t played BL2 in years, still hugs his Casual SWORDSPLOSION!!!*

You’re not an idiot if you like it!

Deep in the dust bin of history, where people really try to forget it exists, where it belongs?

Indeed! It’s the loading screen in between deaths.

A feat worthy of Trey Parker’s early film career.


Good Smile :( The bane of my wallet.

They only managed 87 mph :/

But does paper trust you?

Vice City Crossing

Smart kid - he went for the left wrist last.

This feels like the kind of Lego game we would really like but will never truly deserve.

Hold on though - how did she get to the Hunter’s Nightmare in the first place? Without any proof of an augur being available to her, it’s purely speculation to say that she didn’t die in reality and end up where ‘all’ the hunters go.

“Well Jimm, it looks to me he has a broken time-space continuum.”

Belichick has so many leans on his soul... I wonder how he manages to keep that much orphan blood on hand in case he needs an emergency rite during half time to “miraculously” come back and win without getting caught.

There is a slight cultural gap between the two. Japanese baseball games you might hear likened to rock concerts, the players themselves treated like rock stars.