But ‘56' is, like, 2-2.5 in Replicant years.
But ‘56' is, like, 2-2.5 in Replicant years.
It seems natural that it includes the Vancouver mulligan rule. It’s just being polite, eh?
DM: You’ve been invaded.
It’s ok though - he seems to have enough acorns stuffed in his cheeks to get him through this.
Goku is the new black.
Deftness does not prevent daftness.
Here’s a deep cut:
They can actually win in this one.
It’s reminiscent of the Gravelord Servant covenant in DS1, wherein the Servants ‘infect’ other worlds with extra enemies and affected ‘infected’ players will summon via a dark sign to try and kill the offender, all for fun and profit.
I thought it’d just be a dark hood and a single forehead bedazzle.
Bloodborne is one game where this is (mostly) not the case. For more than one boss I recall being more evasive and waiting for opportunities to strike only to die quickly do to the enemy’s quick range-closing attacks. There was a clear pattern that they were designed to punish players for backpedaling. I’d then start…
That really made a splash.
Velcro is the Band-Aid of clothing fasteners.
Ah, the quality of Nike...
“AHAH! Whose brain is the size of a walnut now, huh?!?”