
... you know that dying while human darkens the world tendency 1 blip if you’re offline. In fact it was a lot easier to max out my trophy case offline since I could manipulate the tendency. All you need is a stack of Ephemeral Eyes and a cliff to roll off.

I think that was called Who’s Your Daddy.

  • Violet Wurm is a new Hearthstone card, a minion with eight mana cost, seven power, and seven toughness. When it dies, it spawns seven 1/1 grubs.

Its response was positively wooden.

He said he wouldn’t give us up or let us down. Stupid liarjerk (RIP).

“You know, half the people wouldn’t be around today if it weren’t for women.”

Oh hey, Winston’s in it.

I’ve always had the impression that if you start taking anything Dragon Ball and further iterations 100% seriously you’ve blown way past the point.

The rat man (Rat Man Pig?) looks like it has those moon flowers budding out of its skull, or that it started budding but failed. It would not be a huge leap to assume Mensis and/or Byrgenwerth had non-human experiments (given all the small, shriveled dead things in cages all over the lecture building).


In complete fairness, Bette Midler is grace incarnate whose soul is far beyond nontarnishable. Your point is still completely valid though.

It is, incidentally, where wacky-armed-inflatable-tube-people first came from.

The breast-sheathed knife seemed risky but turned out more risqué. Give fashion a cycle or two and every woman will be clamoring for this quick disrobing option with only a slight chance of mastectomy.

The only thing about that is there was no ‘dragon’ race in IV - the few dragons that existed were akin to great cosmic beings sealed inside human hosts. Ryu and Fou-Lou were of the greatest of the dragons split in two. Ryu released his and the hosts’ dragon powers at the end of the story seem to imply heavily that

Geno Smith has thrown two passes this year. Both were incomplete.

It had the best music for sure. And it had a great (though poorly translated) story.

Same here, though I imported the PAL version of III for PSP.

Well, she was the embodiment of death for years. Everywhere she went someone died. Give her enough hell and she’ll show up when you’re alone. Then it’s only a matter of time...

Each Ryu is (hypothetically) a reincarnation of past Ryus.