
I thought they fired Tom Green years ago.

Can he do the fandango?

I believe I can file

Now, these two brothers haven’t really been famous since, oh, 2002, and even then their fame was sort of treated as a joke, but they’ve managed to remain in the hazy periphery of the public eye for reasons better left explained by someone with a PhD in Media Studies.

It sounds like R. Kelly might be the Alpha Vampire from Supernatural.

In summation: very, very carefully. Tolerance for self loathing being a +.

Nope. Fits the theme, is awesome. They should get ball cap Terry in there to help balance things out.


I feel cheated now, all the times I had to write up a bibliography for papers in school...

I’d say it’s worth at least 50% credit.

Now playing

The Gay of Thrones had a pretty great thing going on a few years back.

“What the gratulations?”

Maybe to them we’re so cute they can’t help but gobble us up.

astronaughte doesn’t pull their punches with Jersey...

Ah man, I’d forgotten about Cyber-Lip. There was this Neo-Geo machine that something had gone wrong with - 50¢ would get you 123 lives instead of 3 in Cyber-Lip (I think exclusively). The “I have just been evilly reprogrammed” bit always cracked me up.

I love it too, though I worry if the colors would keep me up all night, what with all the yelling.

Face to face for the first time, Donald Trump meets Vladimir Putin