I’m not sure what the going rate for surrogacy is, but it seems like Kim and Kanye are getting a ridiculously good deal. They’d better throw in a significant bonus.
I’m not sure what the going rate for surrogacy is, but it seems like Kim and Kanye are getting a ridiculously good deal. They’d better throw in a significant bonus.
I thought this was the Hot Dad:
Protip: Play like Yung Maestro
I can’t really tell what that on the left even is. My best guess is sentient breasts that grew a human host/walking display case.
Ah yes, the Liberal Nyarlathotep.
It’s always fun to learn other cultures can lose their goddamn minds to Undertale as well.
And how are people going to get there?
If I hadn’t read so many old Garfield books as a child and know that he has a mustache (and I think was Odie’s owner too), I’d swear that’s the look of a man who just can’t stop eating chocolate pudding.
It’ll have twice the processing power being two Xbox One Xs welded together and doused in cheetah blood. It’ll have unbelievable graphics in non-visible spectrums.
Kinkakuji is very pretty to see, the surrounding nature really adding to the scene. The Hiroshima Peace museum is a very nice, somber place to visit as well (though it can depend on how many giggling schoolgirls are around on a field trip at the same time).
I thought they were entertaining enough.
lol. Just lol.
Wouldn’t it be Oompa Loompa-ass?
All I can remark on is how he would win any John Waters look-a-like contests with minimal effort.
His range has always been astounding.