It’s probably better than meeting your doppleganger in real life.
No idea. I know that with the Old Hunters there was a physical disc rerelease with an art book, but that was in Japan only :/
I don’t disagree with the above picks they made at all. But come on, when you look up ‘atmospheric’ in the dictionary you’ll find it’s been replaced with Bloodborne, the definition of which is ‘see Bloodborne’.
When I beat the final boss and watched the final cutscene, it slowly sank in that I’d actually finished a From Software game. I survived every level! I beat every boss! I did it! I’m as surprised as anyone about this.
The shirts have since been removed from their website and replaced with a more benign design that says “Grandma.”
Young Aspiring Artist Future Adult With Generalized Depression And Anxiety Disorders.
I think I liked this one best:
Oh my god... GRRM still uses Livejournal?!?!? He might not ever get those books finished if we can’t safely extract him from 2003.
I admit there were times in the movies it really didn’t work. Not just the percieved framerate, but also with the (usually ancillary) characters moving like something from early PS2 games’ FMVs - stiff, janky, and uncomfortably marionette-like. But it mostly worked, and really well. You got entire armies of distinct…
ikr? Manga’s finally progressing the main protagonists’ storyline, and like that it’s off until summer 2016 again.
“Gravelord? Neat-o!”
Ehhh, so sorry, but Nocturne > Any Persona.
This is literally the best thing evar.
“Only Imperial Storm Troopers are so precise... oh, that reminds me of a puzzle!”
“Duuuuude, I snuck out with the keg bod! The Major’s out of town, let’s partyyyy!”