
There’s good points in Doucet’s piece (especially about FFV. Woof.). After technical analysis it comes off rushed and shoddy. It could have certainly been a lot better.

Oh, good hunter.

My biggest joy from this is that OoT, FFVII, MGS, ect. have usually won everything. It might just be all L-Block and temporary, but it has my vote. And I haven’t even played it yet.

... New Jersechusselvaniland.

Thank you for the name of that movie, I’ve been (lazily) trying to find that out for a while now.

Yes, we agree context is king.

They’ll market it like a throwback to the three disc experience, oblivious to the irony that it didn’t take months to swap between them.

Bada-baa-baa-baaa... We’re Killin’ It!™

You know you’re doing your job right when everyone has their phones out filming you.


I had a roommate like this too, despite asking would not stop. Instead, after his alarm would start going off I’d get dressed and leave the room, forcing him to get out of his bed to come across the room to turn my alarm off.

Someone told him he’d score 9 points if he could hit it.

“Ok, now a publicity shot to make this as uncool as possible.”

Fine then, sheesh.


Pika-pika, pika-pikachu murder weapon pika.

I was always a fan of this iteration: