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I’ll beat Bloodborne without even playing it.

Really? All it is is kinda the opposite of this:

Somebody needs to get the Internet together to vote for Hank Hill.

I was going to say, “Figuratively and literally, figuratively.”

AAAAAaaaAAaaaaaa.... rraaarraaarrrgh... er, um, excitement...?

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I comes complete with your character making airplane noises, and you get an old-timey piano play while downed:

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Guild Wars 2 has made everyone into playing airplane, and apparently it's old-timey in the field too.

Hell, what they really need to do is do a massive crossover RPG, kinda like what they teased us with the cameos in SMRPG.

“It’s not my fault Peach dumped you and exiled us! Now stop making me... *sniff* ‘be’ her!”

Guess I have to free the leprechaun I have locked in my basement now, since it seems he isn't a part of the list :/

Dr. Clayton Forrester definitely needs to be more up in between or above Farnsworth and Krieger. He was entertainingly off his rocker with the notion he could drive someone insane by isolating them on a satellite and forcing them to watch the worst movies ever made. But at the same time he had the scientific know-how

I'm pretty sure the definitive way to win any argument covering any topic is a shoryuken uppercut.

Niflheim is single-target. It wouldn't be appropriate for a broad, reaching storm. The term you're looking for is probably Cocytus, but neither works in this inference because they do not refer to SMT directly as well as a -dyne spell without proper context.

It's as-is because a few recent games I've DL'd from the Android Play Store, games I'd consider good and from legit companies, have portions completely locked off unless you agree to open a public G+. This includes a store option - I can't give WotC or Google money through M15 without G+. I'm feeling their opt-in

A Link to the G+ Prompt.

If they include the living corpse of the late John Candy, it could be Uncle Buck Hunting.