
"And, in the end, we learned that Freezer was Cooler, and Cooler was Freezer."

Holy Truck Nuts is the mental image I got. In that regard, I'm kinda glad it isn't xD;

That's a term that has transcended its own literal meaning. Not unlike how being incredibly angry with someone and exclaiming that you'll 'kill' them out loud doesn't mean you actually intend to kill them. Even if the person ends up dead it's only circumstantial since the colloquialism is so universal. With it, you're

Delete pls, funky internet bizarro post.

You're using a rather selective definition of context there. Gamer tags (or any sort of nickname) with any logical meaning draws an analogy between the person and the term. He might not literally be a rapist like how Dr. Pee Pee isn't literally a pediatric urologist, but the term still brings with it all definitions

You're using a rather selective definition of context there. Gamer tags (or any sort of nickname) with any logical meaning draws an analogy between the person and the term. While the player might not literally be 'raping', using it is an advocation for the concept because gaming (and gamers) do not live in a vacuum.

Internet Explorer looks shy, which makes sense if you think about all the rejection he has to face everyday. Poor guy.

I would buy a second in a heartbeat if they weren't $60-100 now.


I find it hilarious *shurgs*

It's difficult to compare anything Atlus has produced before to Persona 3 and 4 (or for that matter any game series ever, aside from the likes of Mario or perhaps Final Fantasy). They've downright been a cultural phenomenon in Japan. Outside of the mainstream I wouldn't say the first two Personas weren't widely known,

Naturally. But you have to keep in mind P1 and P2 are canon and they took place, for the most part, in the real world. Much of the reason why Trinity Soul was dismissed from the Persona canon was because its plot conflicted with older people's persona-wielding abilities, specifically with the P1 characters being

I'm not trying to literally say the guy traveled through the Labyrinth of Amala, learned the truth about the world, and was turned into a demon proper by Lucifer.

Which makes the localization somewhat erroneous. They should have left in the -kuma or ignored it completely.

Uh oh, looks like he's going True Demon there.

They have no sense of fun or nuance of the language, binding it to a set of rules in a futile effort to prevent its evolution. Don't feed them, their input is of no value.

Your uptight grammatical assertions have no place within the realm of colloquialism.