You mean a FFVI remake?
You mean a FFVI remake?
Starring 'original' vault haunters Oxtan, Brock, Naya, and Sexy Wilhelm!
Nope, it's a loader drone similar to Wilhelm's (as well as the usual annoying ones healing robots in BL2).
So is it like now, since Autotune became a thing, seasoned voice "talents" just started phoning it in hoping no one would discover all the audio-photoshoping?
Ah, swizzlesticks.
I remember even in the original Ruby and Sapphire getting Rayquaza pretty much GG'd anything forever.
On a more serious note:
QTEs irk me as much as the next gamer, but the ones in Tales From The Borderlands I felt livened the pace. Then again, I'm used to playing Borderlands and not Telltale's games. Being on Pandora yet unable to rain fiery death (or electric/acidic/explosive/frigid) to clear out a room left me wanting (and anticipating)…
Obvious, yet obligatory.
I liked how 'Telltale Games Will Remember This' when I skipped the credits. All in all it was fantastic and, coming from the Borderlands side of this collab, made me curious about other Telltale things now.
I remember that knife fight "conversation" in RE4 being annoying as piss as many times as I had to repeat the same small bits of conversation before I got the timings down.
I have that line as a ringtone.
Wild Swablu was eviscerated! Hoopla Unbound received 130 exp and a sudden craving for blood.
You can almost hear the 'tic-tic-tic' as their necks articulate.
No, I think he caught it.
FOUND HI-... oh wait, it's just Waldo. *sighs*
Marshtomps used Splash!