
So, no people at all then! Apart from Colin.

"When I get out of this nutshell I'm going to SUE whoever put me here!!"

Ah yes, Ethelred's Not Ready was a classic Frasier-esque farce of the time.

Yeah, but only for the first three seasons. Though, they can't really be blamed, what with the Plague killing the two leads and three-quarters of the writing staff.

They didn't have mediocre family-based sitcoms in the Middle Ages…

Unfortunatly, that's what every decade in history feels like whilst we're living in it. Honestly, at some point in the 2020s you'll say or think something along the lines of "I can't believe X has done that. Even Trump/O'Reilly didn't go THAT far!!"

Cherish this feeling while you can, because the Evil Empire will only be replaced by the First Order

Nope. Just a heterosexual British male born in the early-to-mid part of the 80s…

Yeah. I already knew that and was watching that dub to comfirm my suspicions.

Well, of course, I am super sophisticated too. I was actually watching the Finnish dub of The Mask as a means of testing my general knowledge of the Scandinavian tongue.

I was 11 when The Mask came out and I remember Cameron Diaz's entrance at the start as the definitive moment of confirming my heterosexuality.

This whole film feels like the result of everyone involved at some point losing a bet.

Would you rather find out that your child was bullied or that they were a bully?

CAN he?!…

Hey, lighten up, jerk!

I wonder if this time someone bothered to interview curator of the museum
of TV and Television, Mr. John Winslow.

No. No he didn't, Internet

Am I the only one who was confused at the start of season 2 of The Wire that it seemed McNulty's FBI buddy Fitzhugh was now working undercover at the docks as Nick Sobotka?

He's got a point about the action being CG heavy and hiring actors not action stars.

In a very special Entourage…