
Just wait 15 years. By the time these gys turn 35 they will have just about the yearly wage total of a third world worker in their bank accounts. It all comes fulll circle

You clearly have never had a relative live in a non capitalist country. When you do have a relative who has lived under a doctatorship you might feel a diffrent way. You have had a soft life raised by soft parents. You are living in a mental shadow.

Damn, throw back hot take of the day right here!

Ha Ha, Guess that whole BRIC nation push a few years ago is going down in flames. Brazil stinks as bad as the poo water draining into the bay.

Although I disagree your statment is fair and well said. I have nothing to add. Go Cavaliers? Maybe?

You must have never been a follower of the law and living in a neighborhood of dudes who flaunt the law by drinking, fighting, drugging and selling and running girls on corners. I have. Let these bad dudes get some “creative” justice. Cops rule.

I consider it living the Batman rules. Sometimes you need a little head thumping and law twisting to get the guys you know are bad but the law protects. The cops know who the bad guys are and how aften they commit crimes. Let them do what needs to be done.

I agree but only if we can talk about Islam or koran control at the same time.

But no worse that the pieces of garbage he patrols around every day. LA is a stink hole of drugs and bums. He deserves a raise dealing with those types for his career.

Is this where I post about Gawker pooping its Calvins when Hulk Hogan enters a room????

Is this where I post about Gawker pooping its Calvins when Hulk Hogan enters a room????

I cant be racist I’m Native American born baby. I own this land and you stole it. I’m of color so drop your insults. See, I win you just call names and I speak the truth. Liberals hate truth. The Koran is the problem. Not the guns.

Well, I will take this reasoned response and see you one back. If the econmy drops soon, which I think it will, and we have another attack people are just going to get fed up. I’m just about fed up. And its not the attacks so much as turning on the TV and having reporter after reporter followed by left leaning

Wow you really are trying hard to support this bigot arent you. Not his fault was it. It had to be the gun. Not the Koran. NOOOOOO WAYYY. Its everyone elses fault but his. Take your gay hate and shove it.

I will repost this to you: You clearly stand with Gay hate and think these club kids deserved it.

Welllllllll not really. Family members I know I Japanese law enforcement can tell you that its true the people have very few guns BUT the bad guys have tons of guns. The exact argument that Americans who follow the law make. Bad guys always get guns but the good guys suffer if you take them away.

Sorry, Its War time. Great Muslims like you cant seem to keep these dirt bags in check. My odds are that 10 more of these things happen over the next few years and if one of those happen to an elementary school and you will hear every American asking for a Muslim ban and to kick you guys out of the country. Its to bad

Just Saw this. 25 people gunned down in Japan by an ISIS operative.

Our country is under attack and your solution is to take away peoples guns. Yep, punish the good people because of what someone else does in the name of Islam. Liberalism = mental disorder. Dont ban guns ban Muslims.

Doth Nutz pro-testes too much.

I hope this get out of the Grays also.