
And a star for a star...

I love it. Star for you.

Guy missed naming that “suck button” mod Cities: Spitelines but I think it’s way too much hammering on his dumb head.


Every emerging new tech is a scam until it isn’t.

You can’t prove an argument by using an example, that’s a logical fallacy, you can use it to make someone else see your point not prove it. Just because X happened to Y, it does not mean that Y=J, you get me? You are talking about things being vilified because of POTENTIAL problems, NFT hatred stems for things that

I mean, even if all he said was completely true, it was at least possible to see the potential benefits of all these things: MP3s give you access to music cheaper and on more convenient devices, online shopping lets me shop without going out, Steam has a similar deal to MP3s etc. Whatever downsides one can see, they

And yet, once again, you’ve failed to provide any examples of exactly how nfts will benefit games.

It’s important to remember all of those awful things, but collective blame is never right. And perhaps you aren’t entirely serious, but your post itself is racist. We were taught all about the ugly parts of history in school. Are there actually places in the country that don’t? Rural Wisconsin in Paul Ryan’s old

Nothing combats racism like making prejudicial generalizations about an entire race...

Your point notwithstanding, “never” is an odd word to use when the person holding them accountable this time, is white.

That’s a mistake you should make early on in your life online, learn from and never repeat again. I don’t know what excuse that person has.

Fucking THIS.

As a main character, it’s unfathomable that anyone would not like what you do so you come to this engagement from that perspective. 

Christ. What’s so hard about “Damn, that sounded funnier in my head. Please disregard my failed attempt at humor”. Why do these dipshits always have to double down and blame other people for the fact that they told a shit joke that wasn’t funny?

If it’s Red, it’s dead...

“Hey! We’re going to let horde and alliance play together! It definitely doesn’t have anything to do with us hemorrhaging users and losing huge chunks of our raiding community! Definitely not that at all!”

They’re aware it’s a show. They used the word “show”. A show can look cheap by show standards, which is what the OP is saying is the case here. 

I know this says more about me than it does the folks who write these, but it’s still flooring to me when games that could previously only be played at 30 FPS gain the ability to be played at 60 or 120 and people are like “aside from that minor upgrade, nbd.” Has the same energy as “aside from that, how was the show?”

Because crypto fucking sucks and the only people that think otherwise are the ones buying into the scheme?