I’m sorry that you have to write about this middle school shit.
I’m sorry that you have to write about this middle school shit.
That’s really not what the article is suggesting. Regardless, Kotick “should” be removed as a first step. But Kotaku isn’t implying that getting rid of Kotick will magically fix the problem, particularly since the problem is largely systemic.
Maybe, but you still remove the original tumor. You sure as shit don’t just leave it there to continue metastasizing. There’s no path to wellness that doesn’t involve excision of the original source of the infection.
Well, I have Tomb Raider on my Sega Saturn, Sony PS1, MS-DOS and Steam...guess I could see it on my GBA as well :)
I treat the Commando like a DMR.
Okay, that makes a certain amount of sense; it’s there to be like ‘I appreciate my fans!’ rather than ‘aren’t I freakin’ awesome, look how cool I am!’. I could see that.
My guess is that it was fan made.. most streamers will put on display things made by one of their fans as a show of appreciation.
Okay, so, as someone who doesn’t really understanding streaming at all: does she really have a giant poster OF HERSELF in the back of her room? And that’s... normal. To have a giant poster of your own, anime-d up face, on your wall, that you’re broadcasting on your stream. That’s a normal thing to do.
Yes, we should never interrogate games beyond genre. Kotaku is the perfect website to expect a one-sentence review from. I am very smart.
The gameplay isn’t the problem.
i dont like games where power hungry cops living out their military fantasies of gunning down civilians
They sold comparably, but Ghost of Tsushima was just a better game.
An unkind person might desperately hope that the famous-for-being-famous personality has wasted three-and-a-half million of his limp-earned fortune on a bunch of faked cardboard.
Friendlier reminder that Metroid Dread was very much a let down to some of us, that felt more like a rom hack than an original game.
Like, is it me, or are NFTs just another fucking pyramid scheme?
Maybe it’s just me, but I read “play to have fun” as “PlAy To HaVe FuN.” It’s nice to know what the heads of these companies think of the people who keep them swimming in cash.
Fuck off.
I can’t stand this ass, but that table is pretty cool. This is stuff that other random youtubers might do and I wouldn’t shit on them for it. There is more than enough reasons not to like Logan and his brother without this being part of the equation.
Good grief you only seem to comment to say how much you hate the site.
Seriously. Let people enjoy their stuff fresh. It’s part of the experience. Unless it’s a little kid or person who literally can’t set it up themselves... don’t.