
Or maybe, said takes are from people from other countries that marvel and the mental gymnastics you americans perform in order to defend your right to bear arms in the face of constant death in your home turf. Just maybe

If they’re going to ignore the backlash, then there’s only one thing left: never buying anything from them until they change. 

Is there a link to the video for evidence purposes?

Oh, that’s an angle I didn’t even think about yet!

Honestly this is why I can’t get game publishers pushing for NFT bs or crypto overall.

The whole thing, the mining rigs and farm, literally cannabalize not just the sillicon chips used to create the hardware to play these new generation games but sometimes (at least for PC players) the *literal* hardware used to play

I genuinly dont think white people are upset by this. I think its a bunch of right wing haters of hasan, reporting it as a racism as a fuck you to him.

I’m so white my favorite meal is unseasoned boiled chicken on wonderbread with heavy mayonnaise, and even *I* think these people are fragile...

As a FDA certified saltine myself, god white people are so fucking fragile.

Frey can be seen traversing mountains at break-neck speeds as well as fashioning herself a floating skateboard to cross a river.

Maybe they could stop paying 10s or 100s of millions of dollars in salary to management who seem to only come into the office to play grab ass and talk about hoors over cigars? That should save some money.

Thanks for continuously reporting these stories (and the memos). The more it’s out there, the more they can’t run from it. Keep this issue visible.

A car dashboard is not the place to have video games. Ever.  Maybe when the car is in park, but even then it encourages gaming at red lights.

Because there’s a big fucking difference between your phone that’s only going to hurt someone if you throw it at them and a big ass fucking car that is going to kill someone if you stop paying attention at the wrong second.

Counterpoint: This just demonstrates the proportion of Halo’s playerbase that has absolutely no interest in customization at all. It’s true that the vast majority of the customization is locked behind the paywall, but there’s a decent amount of default options to give your character a little personality that simply

I uh.. mentioned all three of those as factors for its success. 

Because they are no less dangerous to the people who become addicted than a controlled substance. Addictive personality disorders, like eating disorders, are not something that you can reliably manage through conscientious habits and self-control. They prey upon your impulse control and in part actively interfere with

Well it CAN be just not for players. The way it works is you get a dev account and you make a minimum viable product game, literally just barely enough to call it playable and get it past Apple Store quality checking (not that they do much anymore), you can use Google Play or even Steam as well. You put your

You as the owner make some crappy game like this, you then secretly hire out thieves or whoever to steal credit card info and pay through the game, you as the owner then cash out the money. That’s what I mean.

I legitimately don’t know what to say about this, the problem is these ‘games’ are nothing of the sort. They aren’t fun, they aren’t even gambling, they just straight up exist to take advantage of people with problems. I honestly struggle to see this as anything except fraud, and I’m saying that as someone who thinks

Shit, if I was hot, I’d do something with it I’m sure.