
Weird. Looks like our old cat who we rescued from a truck stop in Ohio. Her name was Miss Kitty.

Inglorious Basterds works because it doesn’t pull punches or pretend it’s something it’s not, and it’s extremely self-aware. This game is the polar opposite, without any of the self-awareness. It’s crass and dumb, and it gets a lot wrong, even besides its clumsy handling of racism (and weirdly absent antisemitism).

“Has this guy ever played any MMO ever? The loot systems of every multiplayer game with any kind of progression is predicated around scarcity.”

MMOs are not remotely based around scarcity. Joe blow next door getting his epic loot drop doesn’t do anything about my chances for getting the same.

There is a significant difference between a game item being hard to obtain and literally only a set amount of them existing at all

Imagine having such a transactional mindset that you need your goddamn leisure time to be some kind of investment.

As someone who spends at least a little time each week playing video games and watching porn, it does my heart good to know that I’m a disappointment to Josh Hawley.

Um, but there is a skip button in GTA V if you fail a mission after a few times, so yeah, there is a “fun” mode. I’m grateful because it got me past that one mission where I couldn’t fit Trevor’s plane inside the other plane.

Or you can let people play games the way they want to.  Your understanding isn’t required.  

The idea of this platform is to allow artists to publish custom game levels, characters, art and have it playable within the crypto platform.”

They’re innovating by making other people do the work!

It isn’t a completely accurate description though - they are actually environmentally destroying LINKS to JPGs. Like, you don’t even get the JPG. You get a receipt that says “I own a JPG in this spot” and then the server goes down.

Except they’re not, it’s even worse.

Thank you for referring to NFTs as “environment-destroying JPEGs”. 

permit me to open the dialog
“so long and thanks for the environmental damage your money laundering scheme has done”
the dialog is now closed
dont let the door hit you on the way out

They will argue that being a CEO is tough, it’s a big responsibility and takes a lot of expertise and strong decision-making, and that they should be compensated more than the average Joe. Sure, that’s reasonable. But they shouldn’t be getting paid more than every single other employee in the company combined. No

All CEO’s should take massive paycuts, willingly or otherwise.

I linked it there for those reading the story but unfamiliar with what the videos actually were, but the vid has now been removed because that was also a stupid idea.

I question the morality of linking his videos in an article about him being a murderer, but I imagine it’ll be hard for him to get paid for any of it now, right? At the very least, maybe the money can go to his now parentless daughter...

Retropie is *perfectly* legal, per existing US Supreme Court precedent.  As is legally backing up games you own.  And getting (m0st) games legally isn’t that hard, given the internet is a thing.