
It could just be a DC thing but I think Starbucks is generally pretty good about hiring [I'll probably get shit on by somebody no matter what term I use so insert whichever euphemism for 'handicapped' doesn't offend you here.] I generally see a fair amount of mentally or developmentally challenged people bussing

No idea. Just the first thing that came up in a google search for "Kurta."


Not having power on the macro scale doesn't mean you lack power on the micro scale. It's entirely possibly for a Hispanic neighborhood to exhibit institutional racism against, say, Black people.

It's kurta being a how it stops at the knee. It's worn throughout North India. The galabiya is full-length and worn in Arabarabistan.


"I'm here all day folks."

I like how your standard of maturity means loudly trumpetting your interests through conspicuous displays of commercialism. That T-shirt advertizing some mass-produced corporate product really helps you stand out as an individual.

"you and your white friends laugh and dance while being served by an all-POC waitstaff, not so much."

Honestly Stay at home mothers with bread-winning husbands are the only women affected by this. If you want to consider the people being actually seriously hurt by the law you can look at the struggles of migrant laborers who have no consistent source of income, are often paid under the table, and work intermittently

$200 in gourmet cheese you say?

This is a non-sequitur. He said the term "rape culture" is often overused or misapplied and this weakens the concept as a whole when everything gets swept under that umbrella. You've somehow conflated that to mean he denies that sexual assault happens. You're putting words in his mouth.

How about when the crux of the conversation is about how you'll never understand unfair treatment because you could NEVER have experienced it yourself, for not having been part of a group that we've predesignated as being "worthy of sympathy and consideration.

"Since there have always been women and people of color happy to join in with the chorus of "You're diluting racism/sexism by talking about it!" (and, of course, happily receiving the bennies that come their way from the majority when they do so), the fact that you're Jewish and also tell other Jewish people that

I prefer to be bromanced first.

When Cookie Monstress tells you it's important to eat healthy. . .well. . .

If Shepard Fairey's "Hope" picture doesn't violate the AP's copyright, this doesn't violate Maise's.

I always carbonated beverages until I had real ginger ale for the first time. Now I loves me some bubbles.

I studied Organic Chemistry. Am I still allowed to eat it?

If you're like me and have an extremely high genetic predisposition for heart disease and diabetes, you will need to regulate your diet like an athlete in training. In fact, it probably behooves you to be an athlete in training if you want to stay healthy in old age. Trying to diagnose people like me of an eating