You don't know what "the role" is. You are neither the screenwriter, the director, the producer, nor the casting director.
"Different from Nathan Drake?"
So how long will that take? Another 80 years?
The conclusions themselves don’t seem to be advocating for a choice-limiting public policy, though, so much as arguing against a choice-maximizing one.
That. . .is kind of messed up.
Letting writers write isn't the problem. The root problem is the business revolves around milking existing franchises rather than writing solid stories.
It's an easy conflict to resolve though. Just strike all the nothing stories that don't have any lasting impact on the characters from the canon.
The problem with that analogy is that the Greek Myths had full story arcs. They actually died and then their stories end. You can add more stories by saying "In between palling around with Jason and completing challenges Hercules also did ___" but that also has a limited amount of space to cram more storyline in.
The booted one of the most high-profile female writers in comics from the book and replaced her with a dude in an effort to make it more "Women positive?"
As an addition to this, I feel like our culture in general has just gotten very self-referential overall. It's like all the geeky stuff we liked when we were kids is now mainstream, but we still haven't resigned ourselves to being "cool" yet, so we still get all excited whenever our youthful interests get referenced…
Honestly because iOS apps are generally so single-use I feel like I don't need terribly detailed notifications. I would just like it if the app simply pops up a badge when it needs my attention the way mail does. If that was a standard UI convention I'd be happy.
First person combat is clunky with swords. The only major game I can think of that even tried to make sword-play happen was the Jedi Knight series and even then it was 3rd Person. How exactly do you suppose the mechanics would work for a twich-based game? Wouldn't you basically just be mashing the "attack" button?
I fail to see how that's a critique of Adams. Once again, you can't seem to assess the man based on the times he lived in. History really all about checking off whether people adhered to your modern high horse morality to you isn't it?
Your first post wasn't a "fact" to be proven wrong. It was an unsubstantiated opinion about John Adams being a villain. What you are failing to do is understand what "context" means. If you don't want to learn how to study history you shouldn't be trying to lord a degree over anyone.
Ah yes. Wikipedia and EnchantedLearning.Com. Who can argue with the comprehensive and thorough contextual analysis of those two scholastic giants.
I didn't say it wouldn't be here. I said you're in the wrong place if you expect to read anything edifying on the subject.
On. . . a gadget blog?
I am incapable of seeing, playing, or even reading about "Little Wings" without having Mr. Mister's "Broken Wings" playing in my head.
Why? If I'm at home I'm listening to music off my computer. My iPod gets listened to while outside and has to compete with metro noise, traffic noise, cafe noise, airport noise, airplane noise and so on. With the din around me it doesn't really matter how high quality the hardware and software are.