
I just used my Apple ID on the Mac to dial my phone number. It worked fine. The trouble with this hack, I think, is that it might mess with iOS/MacOS app interoperability if you're running different Apple IDs.

@xd.Balls: Show me a single smartphone on the planet where the front isn't made of glass or plastic?

@xhedgehogx: Sadly, solid state memory is expensive. This is the way of the world. It would probably be $600 or so if they had a regular HDD.

@Justin Reich: The flash memory was available, but not as a soldered thing on the MoBo. It used to be a separate drive. I agree it's probably a trial balloon of sorts. But I think it's meant more to determine what kind of computing power/features people really want. The market that ends up buying the MBA is going to

@Mark 2000: But you actually have to be running Transmisson to download it. You can't update the programs until after you've started running them. This is a bit less convenient that having all your apps more or less up to date whenever you want to run them rather than having to update before you can use it.

@ccamwilkins: I believe it meets the minimum system requirements. So basically, it'll run it, but it won't be pretty.

Ay ay ay. What is with that bezel? What happened to the pretty black bezels of the MBP? It looks so much better.


@Liam: WTF? Exchanging money for a good or service somehow means Apple is cheating you out of your money?

@Liam: How can you claim to get better results with Google than a store that hasn't been released yet?

@Mark 2000: They do if you want them to be able to update and patch them on the fly.

@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: A lot of the stuff that works well maximized already DID take up the whole screen by default in OS X anyway. It just wasn't full-screened. iPhoto, iMovie, and the Adobe Creative Suite take up the whole screen. You can't really do anything else with them open. This is just a better

@cheezitman2001: Some apps do work better in full screen and some work better windowed. Safari and chat stuff, for instance, is good in windows. But situations where you need to concentrate and work on one thing at a time, like photo/video editing, long-form writing, and the like are nice when full screened.

@Liam: By that logic so is Steam. I was suspicious of digital distro. until I tried it. But Steam is really pretty damn handy. I could go out and buy the discs. And for games that I think I would really love I still do so. But for most things it's really quite nice.

@Liam: What's so wrong with it? You can still install things from elsewhere. It just seems like a discovery engine for now. Basically a prettier, more polished SourceForge/VersionTracker.

@MosContraMundum: And iPads and iPods and other Macs. iChat already does video-chat, making its video-chat facetime just makes it able to video-chat with other people too.

@bayXSonic: Lions are a "One more thing" sort of thing.