
At least in India the people who want them can get them. Pretty much everyone of means has some relative in Australia, England, the USA, or Singapore that can bring one over.

@deviouserket: If they had guns they'd have shown them instead of strutting around punching shit.

So newsmen in Hawaii report in Hawaiian shirts huh?

@The world will know squalor.: "This "antenna issue"—I really hate the "antennagate" nomenclature—is Apple's and Apple's customers' not Motorola's, Samsung's, or HTC's. "

@AuthenticM: Frankly people with crappy connections can ruin the experience for everyone else too. It's not really fair to ban them, but at the same time. If you can't play without lagging out like crazy all the time why are you even on XBL?

Unless it's capable of vertical take-off and landing it's not going mainstream. Most people can't afford enough land to install a runway in their back yard.

@MagImpalor is a god damn spy.: I took down my relationship status for the same reason. Apparently if Facebook knows you're single its one mission in life will be to sign you up for every single niche dating site ever.

@Boneszee3: For me it depends on the game. Pro-Street Fighter is awesomely fun to watch.

@AndPreciousLittleofThat: Well, that's AmWay. I'm not sure how much decency you can expect from someone with the chutzpah to knowingly start-up a thinly-veiled pyramid scam.

@Clementine Tangerine: I can actually see the argument. To an extent your wealth should count.

@AndPreciousLittleofThat: I actually disagree. A lot of the really super-rich people I've heard of who got there through their own work have been rather humble. It's the trust-funders who can be grating.

@KnightWhoSaysNi: cmd+click does the same thing. ctrl+click if you're on windows.

@Yossarian: Kids and work fine. But right now I juggle work, a fairly active social life, and a couple of hobbies (tennis and martial arts.) Those alone take up almost all my discretionary time. If a family enters the picture that means I sacrifice either my hobbies, my circles of friends, or my gaming. If push comes

The answer is no. Bioshock 2 has been sitting on my desk for months now just because I don't have sufficiently long blocks of time to devote to it. I maybe get 2 hours of gaming a week. That's not enough time to get into an involved game.

@chadbeckwith: I was actually counting on them delaying WoL until 2011 when I could upgrade. They shattered all my expectations by only delaying it by a year.

@chadbeckwith: Heart of the Swarm is slated for TBD 2011. The Protoss campaign shouldn't be long after that. The battlechest would probably be released concurrently with the Protoss campaign. I don't think it'll be more than a 2 year wait.

I want the iLamp style iMacs back. Can someone rig up a stand like that?

So I think I'll just hold out on upgrading my machine until they release the Battlechest.

Clearly you have never played Conker's Bad Fur Day.