
I have to check it out. I have kind of a thing for big scary boots. I had a similar pair years ago, but they eventually fell apart.

Ohhh. I LIKE those. Pray tell, from whence did they come?

This was my choice too. Went on way, way too long.

Yeah, I thought that too.

That would be awesome! Can I come?! I'll be something good.

I would love to find a job that could accommodate me this way. I get sleepy around 2-3am. When I do I wake up around 10am and am fine. But if I try to sleep midnight to 7am I have a terrible time getting up and feel tired all day.

Ideally my body wants to stay up until about 2 or 3am and sleep until about 10am. My work has a different opinion on that though.

Blood Oranges are my favorite.

Woke me up for sure. We were just lucky it was early on a holiday so not too many people out and about.

Northridge quake of '94. Right in my neck of the woods. ETA Kinja does not want to load my pic....

Craig T Nelson starred in a tv show called Coach.

Oh I know the one you are talking about. I remember both the stories, but forget the actual book. It will come to me...

I am absolutely in favor of this.

Wow, the Toy Story movies are getting really dark.

There's nothing wrong with these, but I much prefer the B&W versions. Sometimes the lack of color can be really powerful.


Figured you were behind because of SDCC. But my week feels sad and empty without TB recaps. I usually spend Monday lunch time giggling like a nut because of them, I am sure my co-workers were wondering was was missing.

Seriously! "Your hair's like a sunset after a bomb went off... Pretty."

Please yes. I have been waiting for this recap with the express desire to be very clear how much I need to have an arts and crafts party with Lala.

Almost forgot about this one. It was way up there for weirdness.