

Swiss Cake Rolls ranked in the 20s? Swiss Cake Rolls ranked in the 20s.

Let's not compete for oppression. That's what the system wants us to do. Black people have it just as bad as Latinos in media representation.

Cool what's your major? Ignorance or failed sarcasm?

No. You have no sense of history apparently to even put blackface on the same plane as what Nick Cannon did.

LMAOOO at this whole exchange!

See the link Mrs.MichaelBluth provided.


Probably means leaking it to the news as an "anonymous" source.

It's funny that the conspiracy theory with the least amount of belief (Blacks purposefully infected with HIV) a)has to do with people of color but yet b) has the most likelihood to be true based on blacks being purposefully infected with a disease before.

I agree that it would neveeeerrrr be a QB due to the nature of the position. Any other skill position...maybe.

This post is awesome.

I hope no one eating at the restaurant in the second story decided to order Orzo

They should do an animal kingdom version of archer with Sterling Otter Archer and the Ocelot. Fighting against evil alligators.

Um...I don't think the author was trying to call out Texas at all. The supposed "calling out of Texas" seems to be a trivial issue to focus on.

There's nothing about gays in there

I appreciate them for making this index. My stomach is about to go lay down in my bed now for some alone time...see y'all in 5...

Ehh, his character is a bit sympathetic. He was committed to Piper (even though he was thinking about cheating at the bar), and seemed genuinely hurt when he found our Piper's infidelity. But he is whiny and self centered just like Piper.

Fuck Alex Vause. Tis all.

If anything, I think it spotlights how other institutions exploit the poor and other oppressed classes of Louisiana (i.e. The Tracking Shot in episode 4, The Tuttle family as the main criminals). I don't take the content of True Detective's first season as participating in that exploitation, but critiquing it.