
Yassssssss congrats

You should take your own advice boo. You look whiny as hell.

Yup I do this. I call my friends and close female family members this. I use it how I use it.

Ugh these type of comments are becoming annoying. If you don't like him, don't read his articles.

Seriously, Alec Baldwin is in a pissing contest with Shia LeBeouf for biggest melodramatic, attention asshole in the universe. Like no one was talking about Alec Baldwin right now, most people were talking about Shia.

I don't understand how the same people who criticize Rush Limbaugh defend Alec Baldwin? Just because he has politics you like, it's okay to defend your continued support of someone who is openly racist, heterosexist, etc? And doesn't care to apologize or learn not to be that way? Fuck people of color and the LGBTQA

Seriously. Alex Baldwin just made Shia Lebeouf the sensible one in that conflict. Wow.

Who's the first openly gay player to log minutes in the four major sports?

This is the first gay player to play in the NBA, and to log minutes in the big 4 sports period. The world of sports is one of the most influential and money making institutions in our nation. This is a big deal.

Feminism's spectrum and focus shouldn't change if it becomes "trendy". Having true feminist values should be popular because it is the right thing to do.

Her spitting at him results in a Tyson uppercut and a sociopathic dragging of her body through the Casino by Ray Rice...okay. I'm not condoning her spiting on him, but come on.

Apparently Dumars wanted something legitimate in return for Josh, which is fucking stupid at this point. Cut your ties and move on for the future.

Josh Smith is still a Piston, and Pistons fans wept.

Well done.

I don't think feminists have any issue telling Sarah Palin to stfu

I'm just laughing at the fools who think we should rid ourselves of Unions. Those ignorant of the past are doomed to repeat it.

"Hanging in a chow line!"