Doris Burke is awesome.
I agree.
Justin Bieber is so freaking annoying and a punk.
I'll help the other commenter here. People usually don't go out of their way and say that a White person is articulate because that is understood by society to be the norm. People do, however, constantly go out of their way to comment about how a person of color, usually an African American or Latino person, is…
Yea I definitely agree. She seems to be on it 99.9% of the time. Everybody misspeaks.
In those pictures, Robin Thicke looks coked out of his mind. I remember reading a quote from Robin or his wife where they basically admitted that they indulge in a blow habit.
From these tweets it seems like not a lot of people cared about MLK day, or cared in a very shallow way.
So you choose to be oblivious or apathetic about issues involving class and race intertwining with sports. You want to not care about important real life issues. Seriously?
Well, Erin Andrews herself said she wasn't scared. And it's obvious Sherman wasn't addressing Andrews at all. Why did her colleague assume she was scared in the first place?
David Bowie, Bono, Chris Martin
What the hell is a race card? Good grief. Are you that oblivious?
I watched Sherman's Beats commercial, and it spoke about this exact thing (calling him a thug). His reaction in the commercial basically sums up how most Black people react when we hear the word "thug" used.
She is hilarious (Lyonne) and I am happy she's getting mainstream success!
I like that Deadspin is defending Sherman on this, even though I feel this story about Crabtree trying to fight him is bs. The Olds at ESPN are busting a blood vessel at Sherman, but simulaneously being nice about Belicheck accusing Welker of a being a dirty player, which is a clear display of Belicheck having sour…
You have a tinge of racism in your comments for assuming a black athlete is a drug addict and speaks on a 3rd grade level from a damn residence hall informal email (I read the article by the way). Yea he failed an ADDERALL test and got off on a technicality. But there's a hell of a lot of people, professionals with…
You just copied and pasted this shit from the other thread. Don't be that person.