Damn Dodai GET EM!!!
Damn Dodai GET EM!!!
I was with you until the pensions part. Dude, quit drinking the "pensions bankrupted Detroit" kool-aid. Furthermore, there's more people than just cops losing their pensions.
Isn't the "ghetto names" thing rooted in the same narrative as "black people are dumb"?
Your comments are the reason why Black women created the #solidarityisforwhitewomen movement. By the way, many Black people were offended by this. That shit is in poor taste. His position in privilege gives him no right to make a joke about the stereotypes of African-American "language" and name-spelling (both themes…
Girl, bye. What's the difference between what Steve Martin said and what the dude from Duck Dynasty said? And I know Steve Martin is not a racist.
Seriously????? These comments are laughable. And so scary.
Thank you for all your work. Wish you the absolute best!!!
If you all can't get Pete Rose in on the ballot, Edgar Martinez should be the one
It was Toy Story 3, that's my bad. Up was nominated for Best Picture.
That and Malcolm X.
I think I'll watch it to see what the hype is. Also Chiwetel Ejiofor and Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) are cuties
But no one is asserting that the Best Man is Oscar worthy though...more so the point that movies with majority Black/PoC casts are discounted albeit in Awards season or in ticket/box office sales. I agree that the Best Man is not a good example though.
Lol thought you were talking about BET's new show of the year
Lost in Translation, Toy Story, Fargo, Any Quintin Tarantino Movie, Little Miss Sunshine, Juno, Up, Any Musical outside of Les Miz. That's just in the 2000s/2010s (except Fargo)
A: You know there were Black people in England, right?
I'm still mad about that.
And Lord knows if we go over that 13% it's a "Black" movie. Because reverse racism.