
The fact that you are trying to assert that kshortie is bigoted though?


I know it's hard opening up, and I don't know if your former boss is cool like that, but possibly telling your boss or your next employer (if they are cool about that) about your disabilities will help them understand where you are coming from. I wouldn't say anything during the hiring process TBH, and I think you

And even he is a Kyptonian


FYI that commenter didn't agree with you boo.

Hopefully it doesn't just end with casting. As evidenced when Kerry Washington hosted, the show needs WOC (and POC) writers as well as castmembers to give the actors good material.

This is amazing.

Racism doesn't need to include calling out White privilege in its form of getting mad at a Black person who calls out White Tears.

I know! In that case I'm going to make a petition to get Girlfriends back on television because I'm still mad they got jobbed by the CW.

I initially thought it was consumerism and I still think it was her intent, but she said herself that she was targeting rap/hip hop culture and I was a bit turned off. I don't think she's racist at all, just ignorant. She is young, and I don't want to be ageist, but she probably doesn't know the historical aspect of

Who is oppressing white people? I'll wait...

Like at first I thought she was coming at it from a socioeconomic status thing, but it is clear that she does not know the plight of black people and people of color in general. Most POCs, especially the artists she's talking about, don't come from money. The song was very ignorant of the history of people of color,

With saying that you cannot compare the clear satirization of racists (with the Auburn cartoon) and the ethnic studies classes with Lorde's Royals, in my opinion. Most of the people who are misapplying what is racism and what isn't are usually people who aren't anti-racists, and who are not allies to people of color,

When I looked up the Auburn/Alabama cartoon, and your comment about ethnic studies, I see what you're talking about now and I sort of agree, kinda how conservatives want to claim someone racist for bringing up how something is racist, or basically how conservatives view racism period.

SN: I thought I was the only one who felt a little put off by not only the song but her comments afterwards.