
It was Sparkle.

I am definitely getting this shirt

What narrative are you trying to push?

What was his protege's name (who sung that song "you better be careful"...something like that) who spoke out because he raped her niece? I can't remember her name.

The Wiz ranked higher than the Wizard of Oz, dis gon be guuuuud!

You need to take a history class.

Who cares if they want to grieve like they know the dude. I understand where you're coming from, but I'm not going to tell people how to grieve.

He gone cry in the car

Wow here we go again with these assholes who wannabe so damn "cool" on the internet, so they make asshole comments like "oh he shouldn't have been street racing blah blah blah". I know being an asshole is the "in" thing to do, but maybe, just maybe, can you be respectful? Just because he made a movie about street

Have you ever had soul food style string beans? Trumps that snotty shit ALL DAY ERR DAY

Sweet Jesus did you just rank grasshopper mucus snot, also known as green bean casserole, ahead of Turkey Thighs? I'm glad you ranked Turkey Thighs that high, but what the actual fuck is this shit?